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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

07-17-2022 - 'On Tyranny,' the Secret Service, Inflation, and Some Voting Advice

Secret Service Now Suspected of Deleting Emails

The Secret Service Can Never Be Political or Partisan

From the latest headlines, I gather that the Secret Service must now be included among the law enforcement agencies, some of whose members have been politicized over the years with right-wing, if not conspiratorial, ideas.

It probably will take a few decades to rid our country of the poisons with which the defeated former president infected it as well as those from the ‘lost cause’ which he helped to resurrect.  And we need an honest Republican Party to help accomplish that. We do not have one. The Democrats cannot, and should not, do it alone.



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Three Reasons Not to Vote for Republicans

1.   After the Supreme Court reversed Rowe vs. Wade, there is no reason for any woman in the United States to vote for any Republican candidate for any office, local, state, or national, because none of them are willing to publicly criticize the Court’s horrendous decision limiting a woman’s control over her own body.

2.   After the Supreme Court’s decision loosening restrictions that the Environmental Protection Administration can place on polluters, there is no reason for anyone in the United States who is interested in keeping our planet alive to vote for any Republican candidate for any office, local, state, or national, because none of them are willing to publicly criticize the Court’s decision.

3.   In view of gerrymandering and other attacks on voting rights enacted by Republican-controlled state legislatures throughout the country, there is no reason for anyone in the United States to vote for any Republican candidate for any office, local, state, or national, who fails to denounce these undemocratic actions, which are primarily directed at persons of color or minority groups.

This leaves most Americans, especially women and persons of color, with only one choice, and that is to vote for Democrats. 

If they fail to do this in massive numbers in November, sufficient to give the Democrats more solid majorities in both Houses of Congress, as well as gains in state legislatures, the erosion of American democracy that will follow will be their fault. 

Don’t just sit on your butt.  Do something to help save democracy in this country.  That will not happen without your personal efforts. You can volunteer to register voters, knock on doors, make telephone calls, write postal cards (check this out on the past few blog postings), send emails, make donations, etc.  Do something!  Today!  Now! 


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Who’s to Blame For Inflation?

Inflation is a world-wide problem, not just a problem in the United States.  Most conspicuously, it is represented by the control and pricing of petroleum products by the nations that produce them and the companies that sell them.  This is not the only manifestation of inflation but it is the most visible one since it is posted each day on the gasoline pumps of the world.  It cannot be blamed on President Biden because it is an international problem, not limited to the U.S. 

In fact, President Biden has tried to solve this problem by bringing himself to sit down with the Saudi leader, ignoring the reprehensible nature of that country’s government and actions.  He knows that they produce a lot of oil, and putting more on the market can go a long way in reducing inflation.  

The defeated former president opened the door for Russian, Chinese and Iranian influence to move into the Middle East, when he created a vacuum there starting with our walking away from Syria.  Biden is working on filling that vacuum because the United States, the Arab states and Israel, all of whom have independent agendas, recognize that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend, at least temporarily.  And this has something to do with resolving inflation, at least the petroleum part of it, because there is so much oil under all of that sand.

During the Covid pandemic, reduced demand disrupted worldwide supply chains that had taken years to create.  Rebuilding them is a time-consuming task and that is another cause of inflation.  Finally, the drain on the resources of the United States, the NATO countries, and even Russia to pay for the war they started in Ukraine reduces the supply of almost everything in those nations, creating more demand than supply and resulting in inflation.  The Ukrainian wheat crop that fed many nations has to be somehow replaced and that is part of the reason bread, for example, costs a few cents more a loaf here.

President Biden cannot be blamed for inflation and should be praised for attempting to curb it.  Certainly, Republicans have no solutions for it, just as that party as it is presently constituted has no solution for any of the other problems a democracy faces.


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On Tyranny - Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

That’s the title of a short 126-page pocket size book by Yale history professor Timothy SnyderIt is very easy reading, consisting of twenty short essays, alerting us to the conditions leading to a nation, any nation, giving up its freedoms and choosing tyranny instead and the immoral behavior to which it leads. 

Snyder provides numerous examples including the Soviet Union and the Germany of the 1930s. Besides being revealing history, it serves to awaken those who might not even be aware that their behavior helps bring about the rise of tyranny.

‘On Tyranny,’ is available online from many sources at prices under $10, with used copies even less.  (I bought my copy from Amazon for a bit over $6.) 

This is indispensable reading and can nourish your brain far better than that amount of money can nourish your stomach, even in a fast-food restaurant.  Please read it.



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