Although the Presidential election is over a year away, politics is all around us, and with that in mind, I include an original story written for our local "writers' group." Hope you enjoy it.
An Unforgettable Incident
It was October of 1952 and
“Ike” Eisenhower, who had led the Allies to victory in Europe, was running for
President against Adlai Stevenson, former Governor of Illinois. I was a junior
at Rutgers University and one of my professors was an ardent Democratic
supporter of Stevenson. One day after
his lecture, he nodded for me to come up to his desk.

Dwight Eisenhower
Dwight Eisenhower
“Mr. Lippman, you know Hugo
Misner, don’t you? He tells me you both
belong to the same fraternity. From some
of things I’ve heard you say in class, I think you should speak to him about a
project the two of us are involved in.”
“Okay, Dr. Charanis,” I said,
and that evening I let Hugo talk me into helping out the local Young Democrats
the next morning. “Ike” was scheduled to
stop off at noontime and speak in front of the Middlesex County Court House in
New Brunswick for ten minutes while travelling between major speaking
engagements in Manhattan and Philadelphia.
After breakfast the following
morning, Hugo and I loaded bundles of what looked like four page tabloid
newspapers into his car. The banner
headline on page one read “Why ‘Ike’ is Coming to New Jersey” and the article
went on to explain how the Republicans were afraid that they might lose the
Garden State, and were almost in a state of panic, and that was why they were
bringing the General here to counteract the strength Stevenson was showing in
the polls and the great support he was getting from working people. The rest of the paper was Democratic
publicity for local candidates.
There were three or four of us
who walked among the crowd of about a thousand assembled in the plaza in front
of the Courthouse steps. We weren’t wearing any buttons or signs and we handed
out our newspapers to anyone who would take them. We got a few dirty looks when some puzzled
recipients took a look at them and threw them away. Fortunately, no one reacted violently.
I spotted a trio of unsmiling
middle aged ladies standing toward the rear of the crowd. Arms belligerently folded in front of them,
they were wearing Stevenson buttons and sashes identifying them as committee
members from the United Auto Workers union at the nearby Ford assembly plant in
Metuchen. Striding up to them, I offered
them copies of the newspaper. One pushed
it away and turned to me, snarling. “Keep your lying garbage. We know what “Ike” represents and want no
part of him”
“Yeah,” a second lady
added. “A young man like you should know
better than to be giving out stuff for Republicans. You look like a college kid. I thought they were smart.”
I shuffled off, giving out the
rest of my bundle of papers while Dwight Eisenhower was briefly speaking to the
crowd, and then started looking for Hugo so we could go somewhere for lunch.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was the United Auto Workers lady who had upbraided me a few minutes
earlier. She was almost in tears.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m so ashamed of the way I spoke to you.
After you went off, Marie over there showed me what was in the papers you were
giving out! You’re with us! On our side!
I could kiss you! You’ve made my
day! I’m so sorry.”
I smiled at her as she walked
off. I waved at her two companions who
were watching all of this and waving back to me with the papers I had handed to
I’ve never forgotten this
(Eisenhower defeated Stevenson
in the 1952 election receiving 442 electoral votes, including New Jersey’s, to
Stevenson’s 89.)
Jack Lippman

Too Much Democracy?
Founding Fathers at Work
When the United States Constitution replaced the loose confederation of the thirteen former colonies, now States, in 1789, only the House of Representative reflected the democratic idea of the people electing their Representatives in Congress. Each Congressman (there were no women in Congress then) represented a supposedly equal number of voters. (Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a voter, somewhat doctoring the formula in favor of the southern States). This “democracy,” however, did not extend into the Senate where the States’ legislatures appointed two Senators for each State, which was not a representative method either in terms of numbers or as a reflection of the will of the people. It took 124 years until the Seventeenth Amendment (1913) provided for the direct election of Senators, but still, two of them from each State, regardless of population, is obviously not democratic.
James Madison

Too Much Democracy?
“Founding Fathers’ were not so hot on “democracy” back in the last decades of
the Eighteenth century. In fact, giving
a more direct voice to what “the people” wanted was considered somewhat
dangerous, because what “the people” wanted might not be the best thing for the
country. After all, look what happened
in France when they got rid of their monarchy, they thought. It was only about a quarter of the way into
the Nineteenth century, with the election of Andrew Jackson to the Presidency,
that the idea of a more direct “democracy” became more respectable.
When the United States Constitution replaced the loose confederation of the thirteen former colonies, now States, in 1789, only the House of Representative reflected the democratic idea of the people electing their Representatives in Congress. Each Congressman (there were no women in Congress then) represented a supposedly equal number of voters. (Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a voter, somewhat doctoring the formula in favor of the southern States). This “democracy,” however, did not extend into the Senate where the States’ legislatures appointed two Senators for each State, which was not a representative method either in terms of numbers or as a reflection of the will of the people. It took 124 years until the Seventeenth Amendment (1913) provided for the direct election of Senators, but still, two of them from each State, regardless of population, is obviously not democratic.
American history, there has always been a fear of the “Dictatorship of the
Majority,” resulting in the disadvantaging of those not in the majority, from
both an economic and social standpoint.
The Frenchman, Alexis deToqueville, discusses this at length in his 1838
work, “Democracy in America.”
prevent a dictatorship arising in this country, politics has always leaned on
the powers entrusted to the individual States, which would act as a
counterweight to the Federal government.
We see this today where the power of the States, as manifested in both
Houses of Congress, is aligned against the Executive branch, in the person of
the President. This is the way the
Constitution was designed to work!
of the initial safeguards against a dictatorship arising was the idea that the
fledgling United States would not have a standing army. Too often, such armies posed a danger to
democracy. A look at the world today
shows clearly that often it is the military which ends up in a country’s
driver’s seat. But without a standing
army, how could the United States defend itself against the British, who were
ready to move back in and retake the colonies, as well as defending the new
nation against other potential enemies?
answer was that the military forces of the United States would be provided by
the individual States in the form of their locally maintained militia. (As evidence of this, histories of the Civil War frequently refer to such military units by
their state names, such as the “Third Battalion, Massachusetts Rifles.”) This was so important to those wanting to
forestall the possibility of a military dictatorship in the United States that
some of framers of the Constitution before they agreed to vote for it,
demanded a “Bill of Rights” which would include a provision guaranteeing that those
state militia would be more than just paper units, but be able to actually
muster armed troops.
is the basis of, and the reason for, the existence of the Second Amendment to
the Constitution, which says that "a well-regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Joseph Ellis, author of “The Quartet,” a
recent book on the birth of the Constitution, remarks that James Madison would
be laughing in his grave if he knew what interpretations the Supreme Court has
given to that Amendment.”
The point of all of this is that the
opinion of the people of the United States, separately or by States, as often
reflected in that supposedly most democratic of monitors, the public opinion
poll, is not always on the side of the wisest choices.
In that sense, too much democracy can be a dangerous thing. The reins which the United States Constitution provides on democracy, through the division of powers among Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, as well as the powers left to the individual States, and the existence of the Presidential Electoral College, are good things.
Without such a balancing of powers, which still are derived from the people although not always directly so, we might be more exposed to the dangers of unfettered democracy, where the donkey that brays the loudest gets first crack at the bale of hay.
In that sense, too much democracy can be a dangerous thing. The reins which the United States Constitution provides on democracy, through the division of powers among Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, as well as the powers left to the individual States, and the existence of the Presidential Electoral College, are good things.

Without such a balancing of powers, which still are derived from the people although not always directly so, we might be more exposed to the dangers of unfettered democracy, where the donkey that brays the loudest gets first crack at the bale of hay.
On the Economy … the Markets,
in Particular
The lesson to be learned
from the gyrations of the markets is that “globalization” has put us in a
position where anything that happens anywhere in the world can have a direct influence
on us, here in the United States. Just
as we utilize low cost labor from all over the world to manufacture what we
consume, and just as we invest all over the world, and investors from all over
the world invest here, we cannot isolate our economy from outside
This is further
complicated by the regulation, or lack of regulation, of not only our markets
but of the markets and economies in the rest of the world. All too often, the differences between
investment, speculation and outright gambling are blurred, and this is not
If you are driving a car, watching
a TV set or using a mobile phone manufactured outside of the United States, you
should understand that our economy and our markets are irretrievably tied to
those of the countries where those products were made. Cheap
overseas labor may have made these items inexpensive to purchase, but sooner or
later, somewhere in the economy, or in the markets, everything evens out and
balances. That is what is going on now.
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Jack Lippman