About Me

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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024 - Trump Found Guilty, Liberalism and Criticism, a David Brooks Column, Voting by Mail, Telling Time, Thomas More and Bibi, and an Israeli Division


 There are many verses and choruses to ‘America the Beautiful’ but the memorable lyrics that keep coming to mind are those appearing in its second verse’s chorus.

“America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.”

Wonderful words, acknowledging that we are not without imperfections, but capable of correcting them by appealing to the Creator and adhering to the rule of law upon which liberty is founded.  That should make everybody happy, including those who look to religion or the law for solutions.

*(Tagline of 1930s band leader Ted Lewis and favorite comment of a past, now deceased, Cascade Lakes Board president.)


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Trump is Guilty

 Okay, the defeated former president has made it and is now a convicted felon. No more ‘s’possin’.  He’s now legally entitled to wear an orange suit, to match his hair coloring. The Manhattan jury hearing his case found that all 34 counts where his actions were involved in ‘cooking the books’ concerning payoffs for political reasons just before the 2016 elections, indeed constituted felonies under New York laws.  

Corrupt D.A., Rigged Judge!!!

In his post-conviction tirade, Trump kept insisting that the whole trial was ‘rigged,’ despite the judge’s bending over backwards to give the defense every possible break.  Of course, because taking an oath was required, he didn’t speak in his own defense, since lying under such circumstances would be perjury.  He said the same thing about the 2020 election which he had lost.  Donald John Trump is the typical ‘sore loser’ who refuses to face facts.



One of Trump’s complaints was that the judge did not afford him a change of venue to a place which was not filled with so many Democrats, which assured that there would be a jury prejudiced against him.  While this was no more than lawyerly bullshit, I wonder what a jury from upstate New York, perhaps from the area which Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, one of his most loyal followers, serves would have done with the case.  If they had acquitted him, that would have to be accepted as the law.  Note what another Trump follower, appointed to a Florida federal judgeship by him as his prior presidency ended, is doing to make sure the case dealing with the stolen classified documents Trump hid at Mar-a-Lago, will never reach the trial stage in his lifetime. 

Trump may have been found guilty in the ‘hush money’ case, but he still is around, busily engaged in corrupting democracy, and there are plenty of troubled, ignorant, gullible, bigoted, or stupid Americans who will support him for a variety of reasons they might be ashamed to disclose.   

His sentencing is scheduled for July 11, four days before the Trumpublican Party will nominate him to again run for the presidency, which office he besmirched for four years from 2016 to 2020, while legally holding that office.  I am sure he will be in some manner left free to attend their convention, but the legal sanctions imposed upon convicted felons should limit his activities.  And if he ignores those sanctions, parts of the rule of law, his sentencing is more likely to revert to some kind of imprisonment.  I do not believe the nation wants that to happen, but it may be exactly what Trump wants, affording him the mantle of a martyr.


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Liberalism and Criticism

The May 27 issue of the New Yorker magazine included a lengthy piece by its ‘critic at large,’ Adam Gopnik, subtitled ‘Why liberals struggle to defend liberalism.’  The references he makes and the several books he critically writes about, in all honesty, are far beyond my usual menu of reading, but clearly, they represent a thorough job on his part of doing whatever it is that a critic is supposed to be doing.  

The article ought to move those who call themselves liberals to dwell on what they actually believe.  After reading or misreading the article, I concluded that I personally define being a liberal (which might not be the same as liberalism) as follows: 

‘Liberalism, for an individual or for a society, is being open to new ideas and changes except those which themselves inhibit being open to new ideas and changes.’ 

(A response to this might be that it would remain an unknown as to whether that exception applied unless it were tried.  Ah, but by then, the poison might have been ingested and the antidote would be something other than liberalism.) 

If the job of a critic is to make others think about works of art, music, or literature, or even ideas, Gopnik succeeds.  If you have a lot of spare time, you might read the article at https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/27/why-liberals-struggle-to-defend-liberalism or by CLICKING HERE.  Especially if you consider yourself to be a liberal.



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And Speaking of ‘Isms’

In a New York Times column last week, David Brooks wrote about ‘populism’ in which he painted it not as the democratic ‘ism’ it was a generation or two ago, but more representative of the present ‘sour,’ pessimistic, mood it reflects, not only in the United States, but throughout the world these days.

But being a ‘liberal,’ Brooks did offer those who recognize this danger a challenging way of fighting back against such a populist tide.  He quoted Hoover Institution scholar Larry Diamond who wrote, in ‘The American Interest’ magazine four years ago:

o    Don’t try to out-polarize the polarizer. If you stridently denounce the populist,   you only mobilize his base and make yourself look like part of the hated establishment.

o    Reach out to the doubting elements of his supporters. Don’t question the character of his backers or condescend; appeal to their interests and positive dreams.

o    Avoid tit-for-tat name calling. You’ll be playing his game, and you’ll look smaller.

o    Craft an issue-packed campaign. The Ipsos survey (from which Diamond’s numbers come)  shows that even people who hate the system are eager for programs that create jobs, improve education, health care and public safety. As Diamond puts it, “Offer substantive, practical, nonideological policy proposals.”

o    Don’t let the populists own patriotism. Offer a liberal version of national pride that gives people a sense of belonging across difference.

o    Don’t be boring. The battle for attention is remorseless. Don’t let advisers make their candidates predictable, hidden and safe.

Brooks went on to point out that ‘it’s looking like this year’s elections will be won by whichever side stands for change. Populists promise to tear down systems. Liberals need to make the case for changing them in a comprehensive and constructive way.’


I think the most important point of those made by Diamond is not letting the populists get away with acting as if they own patriotism.  They do not, especially because many of their ideas are the opposite of the principles upon which our republic was founded. 


And that’s it for ‘Isms’ for the day.



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Voting By Mail

 It is unwise to wait for Election Day to vote!  The weather might be bad or you might not feel well enough to go to your polling place.  It is safe and easy to vote by  mail.  To find out how to do it in Palm Beach County, just visit https://www.votepalmbeach.gov/Voters/Vote-By-Mail or simply CLICK RIGHT HERE.  Elsewhere, contact your County Supervisor of Elections. 

Voting by mail is easy and safe, and not the menace some candidates, who fear a greater number of people voting, claim it to be. 



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Some Advice for MSNBC – Which They Won’t Take

There is an expression that refers to the ‘eleventh hour’ as the last opportunity to get something done.  It is wrong!  The last opportunity to get something done is during the ‘twelfth hour,’ not the ‘eleventh.’  Just think about it. 

A twelve-hour clockface or your wristwatch’s face goes from all the way around from zero (12 o'clock midnight) to 12 o'clock (noon) for AM times, and from 12 o'clock (noon) to midnight (12 o'clock) for PM times.  Let’s just deal with the PM portion of this. 

Thus, the very first PM hour is from noon (12 o'clock) to 1:00 PM; the 2nd hour from 1:00 to 2:00 PM , and so on.  It follows then that the "eleventth hour" goes from 10:00 to 11:00 PM.  Count the hours off on your fingers and you will see that the period from 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM, is actually the 12th hour! But the inaccurate expression has been used for so long that it passes as truth, which it is not. 

Some think there is a biblical basis for this inaccuracy and others attribute it to the  Battle of Waterloo where coordination of key military actions between the Prussians and the English in defeating Napoleon there were taken ‘at the last moment’ and documented by a reporter who couldn’t tell time.  Both such sources are wrong.

Now that you’ve hopefully digested this, let’s get to MSNBC which presents its final opinion program of the evening at 11:00 PM, inaccurately calling it the ‘Eleventh Hour’ when it really is telecast during the clock’s twelfth hour.  The preceding program on MSNBC at 10:00 PM is called ‘The Last Word’ which is not what it is, as it is followed by that 11:00 program. 

MSNBC’s not being capable of correctly labeling two of its major nightly opinion/news programs can shed some undeserved doubt on the correctness of other aspects of these two programs.  That is reason enough to change their names. They can call the 10:00 PM program something like ‘An Hour with Larry O’Donnell’ and re-name the 11:00 PM program after its host or call it ‘The Last Word,’ which it actually is before MSNBC goes into re-runs of earlier programming during the wee small hours of the night. 




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 Benjamin Netanyahu and Sir Thomas More

 From time to time I have quoted from Sir Thomas More’s ‘Utopia,’ his sixteenth Century satirical description of an imaginary island nation.  Here is what he had to say about their waging war.  I note, parenthetically, its pertinence to the Israeli-Hamas war as well as underlining certain passages.

‘The only design of the Utopians in war is to obtain that by force which if it had been granted to them in time, would have prevented the war (recognition of the permanent existence of the State of Israel by Hamas), or, if that cannot be done, to take so severe a revenge on those that have injured them that they may be terrified from doing the like for the time to come.  By these ends they measure all their designs and manage them so that it is visible that the appetite of fame or vainglory does not work so much as a just care of their own security.’ 

(For those who are not aware of it, later in his life, Thomas More refused to approve of King Henry VIII’s divorce, resulting in his execution and ultimately his being made a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.)



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Israel  or Judea … A Hard Choice for Israelis

 There’s a real dichotomy in the way Israelis view their nation. That country’s most liberal newspaper, Haaretz,  chronicles this divide not only today, but throughout history.  It is more than just a conflict between Zionists and Revisionist Zionists. It is ingrained in Jewish history.  Read this important article at  CLICK HERE. or just click here.



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Housekeeping on Jackspotpourri 

Strange “Hits’The large number of those accessing Jackspotpouri from Singapore has suddenly ceased. In their place, however, there have appeared large numbers of ‘hits’ on each posting in the hundreds, and as was the case with those from Singapore, but this time from Hong Kong!  I suspect that the Chinese are playing around with internet transmissions, possibly to try to identify who is reading them.  

Email Alerts:  If you are NOT receiving emails from me alerting you each time there is a new posting on Jackspotpourri, just send me your email address and we’ll see that you do.  And if you are forwarding a posting to someone, you might suggest that they do the same, so they will be similarly alerted. You can pass those email addresses to me by email at jacklippman18@gmail.com. 

Forwarding Postings: Please forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it. Friends, relatives, enemies, etc.

If you want to send someone the blog, you can just tell them to check it out by visiting https://jackspotpourri.blogspot.com or you can provide a link to that address in your email to them.  

There’s another, perhaps easier, method of forwarding it though!   Google Blogspot, the platform on which Jackspotpourri is prepared, makes that possible.  If you click on the tiny envelope with the arrow at the bottom of every posting, you will have the opportunity to list up to ten email addresses to which that blog posting will be forwarded, along with a brief comment from you.  Each will receive a link to click on that will directly connect them to the blog. 

Either way will work, sending them the link to https://jackspotpourri.blogspot.com, or clicking on the envelope at the bottom of this posting. 

Again, I urge you to forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it, particularly if they are a registered voter.  This is an election year.  Spread the word.



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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Maay 25, 2024 - Open Your Eyes to Something of Great Importance, Israel, and Climate Change

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It’s a Lot Worse than Just Truth and Lies – Open Your Eyes! 

Telling a lie on TV, or at a press conference, or posting it on a website can get you sued, but it is not against the law.  Republicans do it all the time, and indeed occasionally do get sued by those who can afford to do so.  They sometimes remove the most blatant of their lies from wherever they posted them, but only after they’ve had their desired effect upon their audiences.  An obvious professional liar like Tucker Carlson was dumped by Fox News but has now found a new patron in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, where his lies appear in translation.

But telling lies while under oath in a courtroom or in a Congressional hearing, is another matter entirely.  That can be a criminal offense.  That is why the defeated and repeatedly indicted former president usually disappears when he must swear ‘to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,’ using his lawyers to bring about what appear to be almost endless delays in litigation, allowing him the time and space to tell lies in venues where taking an oath is not required. 

Roy Cohn (who later advised Donald Trum) and Joe McCarthy 

Historically, such tactics were practiced by the late Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, and led to his exposure as an unrepentant liar when he bit off more than he could chew in attacking the U.S. Army with his anti-communist slurs.  His counsel in his attacks was lawyer Roy Cohn who later provided the same skills to Donald Trump in teaching him how to lie and cheat.  McCarthy and Cohn are long dead (rumored to be caused, respectively, by alcoholism and AIDS) but Trump is still around, refusing to testify in court on his own behalf where truth prevails.  Donald calls his present website ‘Truth Social’ but please, don’t look for any truth there. 

The former president, between court appearances, is running for president again, on the ticket of the once but no longer respectable, Republican Party whose label he has tacked on to what is now actually the Trumpublican Party.  Remaining traditional Republicans, needing the votes of Trump’s MAGA supporters to stay in office, hold their noses and fall in line, before retreating to the bathroom to vomit.  

These are the same Republicans who cannot even get their lies straight.  Initially some lied by blaming the January 6 insurrection on Antifa.  Then, recognizing that lie wasn’t being bought, they briefly condemned the rioters.  But not for long.  Their current lying has morphed into describing the rioters as constitutionally-protected heroes and those already sentenced by the courts for their lawbreaking as ‘hostages’ rather than the criminals they are ... and have been convicted by courts as being.

BUT THE NOVEMBER ELECTION IS ABOUT MUCH MORE THAN TRUTH VERSUS LIES AND DEMOCRATS VERSUS REPUBLICANS.  It is about the future of democracy in the United States.  The upcoming election offers an opportunity to those who feel a more autocratic, if not dictatorial, government would be better for the country and are trying to ditch our present representative democracy in favor of one.  

That is worth repeating: THE NOVEMBER ELECTION IS ABOUT MUCH MORE THAN TRUTH VERSUS LIES AND DEMOCRATS VERSUS REPUBLICANS.  It is about the future of democracy in the United States.  The upcoming election offers an opportunity to those who feel a more autocratic, if not dictatorial, government would be better for the country and are trying to ditch our present representative democracy in favor of one.  

There's no formal conspiracy to do that but their actions make their intentions clear.  Those involved include most of the Republican leadership in both legislative houses and in many state governments along with at least two Supreme Court Justices.  They are out to ditch representative democracy in the United States.

It's no secret to those with their eyes open that the January 6 attack on the Capitol to stop the electoral vote count, the threats to kill the Vice President and the House Speaker, the ennobling of that day’s insurrectionists in the eyes of the Republican Party, the legitimatization of the denial of the results of the election, and the Nazi-like allusions to ‘racial poisoning’ and detention camps for immigrants all echo the tactics of the Axis powers that we fought in the Second World War.  One recent Republican piece, quickly withdrawn last week, even spoke of a new ‘Reich.’ 

Along with this is a disrespect for the rule of law in the highest levels of the G.O.P.   One convicted January 6 rioter from Texas is vying for a seat in Congress.  And Americans should be worried about the appearance of a leather-jacketed Hell’s Angel among those in the courtroom where the former president is on trial in New York. Guess who he was supporting. 

And speaking of that trial, Senators and Representatives also came to New York to be in the courtroom demonstrating their loyalty to the former president and making speeches outside of the courthouse where he stands accused of cooking the books to hide an illegal bribe to keep a porn star’s mouth shut before the 2016 election.  A Supreme Court Justice flies an American flag upside down, a traditional sign of distress, over his lawn to show his lack of faith in the rule of law.  He also flew the ‘Pine Tree’ flag over his beach house in NJ, a banner used by Christian Nationalists who have little faith in the First Amendment and as a plea to heaven to ‘Stop the Steal’ of the 2020 presidential election, which that flag has come to represent.  Millions of Americans are wondering if the loyalty of Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges rests with that rule of law or with the President that appointed them.  

None of this is being hidden by those who want to destroy our democracy. The signs are all around us, if you watch carefully.  They are sometimes subtle.  The whitewashing of the Mueller Report (remember that early attempt to corral Trump) was an early warning.  When Trump’s AG, Bill Barr, blunted its edges, sirens should have been wailing.  And today, here’s an example:  A new gasoline station in my neighborhood included in its prominent corner landscaping an American flag flanked by a Florida State flag and a black POW/MIA flag.  This was not a way of selling gasoline. It’s the proprietor’s legal way of advertising the conservative, if not reactionary, rights of States to oppose a Federal government that works to benefit all Americans.  It is intended to stoke MAGA voters with the anti-communist hysteria that was directed at opponents of the Vietnam War half a century ago.  There are no longer POWs or MIAs in Vietnam, where a lot of our clothing is now manufactured, so why fly that flag any longer?  Think about it.

All of this is legal, but that is what the flags really mean and needless to say, it will be a cold day in hell before I patronize that gas station, although Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn would, were they alive.  Keep your eyes open.  The signs are all around you … and of course read or re-read the recent Time Magazine interview in which Donald Trump included them in his own words! CLICK HERE to re-read it or navigate to   https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/

Defeating the foes of democracy will not be automatic.  It will not be easy.  Your votes and hard work are required.  But I feel that most Americans know better than to fall for this neo-fascist crap and will, I hope, vote for ‘truth’ in November, sending Donald John Trump, in the words of poet William Ernest Henley, back ‘to the vile dust from whence he sprung, unknown, un-honored, and unsung,’ along with all of the MAGA trash that support him, especially in the States of the Confederacy, supposedly but not really, defeated in 1865.

If this posting doesn’t start your blood boiling, check out Heather Cox Richardson’s ‘Letters from an American’ dated May 23. It relates today’s challenges to Abraham Lincoln’s 1858 ‘House Divided’ speech. (She writes it late in the evening and it usually appears the next day.)  I recommend that everyone reading this right now make sure that they are receiving her daily postings every day!   They are free unless you want to add your comments to them.)  If anything should be ‘required reading' for today's American patriots, her postings qualify! 

Just CLICK HERE to reach that May 23 posting or find it yourself at https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/may-23-2024-9ac .  Mark Twain once pointed out that while history doesn’t repeat itself, it frequently rhymes.  Yes, it does.  That is why history is important.

And please, don’t forget to sign up to receive each free daily posting of ‘Letters from an American’ from Professor Richardson at https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/by or by https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/by CLICKING HERE.



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Israel’s Extremists

Before reading on, let me make one thing clear.  In order to defeat a foe in a war, the deaths of innocent civilians unavoidably occur. It has always been that way.  In World War Two, the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Germans and Japanese civilians took place in order to rid the world of the evil governments that they had allowed to control their countries.  Tragically, this is what is happening right now in Gaza.  Were it otherwise, it would amount to telling aggressors that their deeds might go unpunished and enhance the chances of their aggression attaining its goals. That’s why demands for a ‘cease fire’ ring hollow in many ears.  They amount to telling Hamas that they won!

The preceding Jackspotpourri posting included the New York Times Magazine’s major article on how extremists took over the government of the State of Israel, with whose policies I strongly disagree, except for their insistence on defeat of Hamas despite the unavoidable deaths of innocent Palestinians among whom Hamas militants are intentionally embedded.  I did not include my opinion as to where this will lead.  But I did make a comment directly to the Times’ website concerning the magazine piece.  It assumes that however the conflict in Gaza with Hamas is resolved, or at least stabilized, there will be elections in Israel that will remove Benjamin Netanyahu from office.  Here is what I wrote: 

‘When there are elections in Israel, a new government will try to get the settlers and their supporters to obey the laws. If the IDF, the police, and the Shin Bet, under that new government, cannot do that, there will be civil war among Jews in a country where everyone is armed. Strong, unshakable faith in one's religion, regardless of what it is, has never led to peace.’  

On numerous occasions, I have written that there must be a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians.  It would require full recognition of the permanence of the State of Israel by all Muslim nations and the Palestinians and a recognition by Israel that Jewish settlements have no place in the territory that will comprise the Palestinian state, including those already there.  Both would be big steps forward, requiring basic changes in the positions of both sides.  I do not expect that to happen in my lifetime, but it will happen. Any other solution is a recipe for continued war and conflct, and the tragedy of additional civilian deaths, something neither Israelis nor Palestinians want. 

Part of the problem is that too many Muslims and too many Jews act on a ‘strong, unshakable, faith’ in their religions, preventing them from understanding the other side’s position(Christians are not immune from this pitfall either.)  I strongly suspect that the Creator of all mankind does not want it that way and frowns upon those whose deep devotion causes misery to others. Not taking the beliefs of one’s religion too literally is probably the best course for those who are among the truly religious.


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 How One State Successfully Deals with Climate Change 

I emailed the following letter to the Palm Beach Post the other day.  Afterwards, I realized that the Florida voters who keep Republicans in power in Tallahassee are so dumb that, if it is published, they will probably take it seriously. 

  ‘When I read in Monday's Post that the spreading crisis in homeowners insurance throughout the nation is attributed to 'climate change,' I thanked my lucky stars that I live in a State where that cause has been eliminated through the wisdom of Florida's legislature and its governor's foresight.  Effective July 1, according to HB1645, the words 'climate change' will be erased from several state statutes and removed  from being a priority in Florida's energy policy.  The rest of the country should be so lucky.’      

Perhaps the Republicans in Tallahassee can do the same with cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers, and heart disease.  All it would take is their voting to dump these diseases into the same wastebasket where they just dropped climate change.  Poof ... like magic, they're gone!! 


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Housekeeping on Jackspotpourri 

Strange “Hits’The large number of those accessing Jackspotpouri from Singapore has suddenly ceased. In their place, however, there have appeared large numbers of ‘hits’ on each posting in the hundreds, and as was the case with those from Singapore, but this time from Hong Kong!  I suspect that the Chinese are playing around with internet transmissions, possibly to try to identify who is reading them.  

Email Alerts:  If you are NOT receiving emails from me alerting you each time there is a new posting on Jackspotpourri, just send me your email address and we’ll see that you do.  And if you are forwarding a posting to someone, you might suggest that they do the same, so they will be similarly alerted. You can pass those email addresses to me by email at jacklippman18@gmail.com. 

Forwarding Postings: Please forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it. Friends, relatives, enemies, etc.

If you want to send someone the blog, you can just tell them to check it out by visiting https://jackspotpourri.blogspot.com or you can provide a link to that address in your email to them. 

There’s another, perhaps easier, method of forwarding it though!   Google Blogspot, the platform on which Jackspotpourri is prepared, makes that possible.  If you click on the tiny envelope with the arrow at the bottom of every posting, you will have the opportunity to list up to ten email addresses to which that blog posting will be forwarded, along with a brief comment from you.  Each will receive a link to click on that will directly connect them to the blog.

Either way will work, sending them the link to https://jackspotpourri.blogspot.com, or clicking on the envelope at the bottom of this posting.

Again, I urge you to forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it, particularly if they are a registered voter.  This is an election year.  Spread the word. 


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Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024 - Justices' Spouses, Brown vs. B. of E. and 14th Amendment, Israeli Extremism, You're the Jury, Hamilton, Franklin, and Baseball Trivia


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A Solution for Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Alito

It looks like Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife was the instrumental one in hanging an upside-down American flag in their yard.  She joins Justice’s Clarence Thomas’ wife in providing us with a prejudiced SCOTUS. You can’t tell me that these spouses cannot influence their husbands.  We cannot have SCOTUS decisions based on ‘pillow talk.’  Justice Alito is as much out of tune with America as is Justice Thomas.  Unfortunately, demands that these two prejudiced Justices recuse themselves on certain cases has repeatedly failed.


Upside-down flag on Justice Alito's
lawn is a sign of distress

Perhaps it would be best to insist that on appointment to the SCOTUS, all married Justices were required to file for divorce. 



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Brown vs. Board of Education Anniversary 

Friday marked the seventieth anniversary of the Brown vs Board of Education decision, desegregating schools, based on the Fourteenth Amendment. 

Heather Cox Richardson’s posting (dated May 16) on ‘Letters from an American’ chronicles the efforts of the Republican Party to destroy democracy and the intent of that Amendment.  Each day provides us with more and more proof that the most un-American organization in the country is the Republican Party.  Check it out at https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/may-16-2024/comments or by CLICKING HERE to learn about the undemocratic movements of which that party consists or represents.  At a minimum, it makes it clear that a vote for any Republican is a vote against the Constitution and of course, the Declaration of Independence.



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Israeli Extremists are the Problem

Should American support of Israel include silence about the role of extremists, upon whom Benjamin Netanyahu depends to remain in office?  Check out how the Israeli government, now controlled by them, supports lawlessness on the West Bank, preventing a real solution for the Palestinians from taking place, a step necessary to assure peace for Israel. Here is a short New York Times piece on the problem.  If you cannot read it due to a possible Times ‘paywall,’ send me an email and I will get it to you.  It is an important article.  But first try CLICKING HERE or visiting https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/briefing/how-israeli-extremists-won.html 

While this Times article summarizes the situation, the full investigation upon which it is based appeared in the Times’ weekly magazine section.  It is not a quick read but it is essential to understanding how it came to be that millions of Israelis stand in the way of what might be lasting peace there.  (Months ago, Jackspotpourri offered a ‘two-state’ solution that addressed this problem.)  

The Times Magazine article is in no way a pro-Hamas or pro-Palestinian piece, but it certainly attacks those who control Israel’s present government and who cannot deny partial responsibility for the problem. 

The full Times investigation in that article, stressing the failure of Israel to punish armed right-wing extremists who ignore that nation’s laws, can be found at 

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20240517&instance_id=123698&nl=from-the-times&regi_id=78918068&segment_id=167012&te=1&user_id=02fa158150d34dc186b01b1b8ec7a224  or by CLICKING HERE.

Possibly illegal roadblock in Israel
between Israeli and Palestinian communities



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You Will Be the Jury

My respect for the legal profession keeps sinking when I see some of the graduates of law schools ignoring the rule of law upon which this country was based.  Some of them use the skills they learned there to obstruct that rule of law in the courtroom and some of the worst of them have been elected or appointed to public office where they specialize in obstructing legislation that supports such rules. 

They have delayed litigation in Federal courts in Florida and the District of Columbia, and in State court in Georgia because they know that were this litigation to reach the trial stage, they would either lose there or even without losing, it would bring highly unfavorable information about the defeated, former president, currently running for the presidency in November, into the spotlight. 

Similarly, even if they are able to avoid his conviction in the ongoing New York State case concerning ‘hush-money’ payments, enough unfavorable information about the defendant is being revealed to diminish his chances in November.  That’s why, in their apparently losing efforts, his defense counsel’s efforts are primarily directed at discrediting the prosecution’s witnesses, there being little factually to contest.  Facts are facts, and even liars occasionally speak the truth. 

Which means that in view of deficiencies in our legal system brought about by such lawyers, it comes down to five words that describe how this all will end.  On November 5, 2024, YOU WILL BE THE JURY!


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Quoting Hamilton and Franklin

A recent New York Times column by Charles Blow quoted Alexander Hamilton’s letter to George Washington in which he wrote that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the country is by flattering the prejudices of the people and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion and bring on civil commotion.’  That is exactly what the former, defeated president does! 

Blow also quoted Benjamin Franklin’s words: ‘freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved and tyranny is erected on its ruins.’ 

Many years ago, these Founding Fathers knew the score, and their words ring clearly today.  If they were alive today, where would they be interviewed? On Fox or on MSNBC?



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The Dirt Strip

But enough of serious matters.  Let’s take a look at what used to be our national pastime, baseball.  The empty seats in many major league ballparks, contrasted with the full houses at NFL games, and the relegation of baseball news to the margins of the nation’s newspapers’ sports sections, are evidence of this demotion of baseball.  But it still has millions of fans, of which I am one.  So here follows a bit of baseball trivia: 

In the English game of cricket, from which baseball may be loosely described as a descendant, there is a dirt strip running from the bowler’s (the pitcher’s) place to the defending batsman, so that a struck ball would bounce on a smooth surface. Early baseball games were played on existing cricket grounds with that dirt strip.  Since there is always some foot traffic during a baseball game between pitchers and catchers, with umpires also sometimes making that trip, that dirt path avoided the problem of keeping the infield grass well maintained there, resulting in that strip surviving in many ballparks for many years.  

Nowadays, teams don’t mind that extra work, but one major league ballpark (until recently there were two) still maintains that dirt path, probably for the sake of tradition. Five years ago, the Arizona Diamondbacks removed the dirt strip at Chase Field between the pitcher and the batter, but one Major League ballpark still maintains it.  Can you name it?  

And while on the subject of baseball, let me make it clear that I never root for a team that does not put the names of the players on the backs of their jerseys.   Most fans can recognize their home teams’ players by sight, but this is not true of the visiting team.  TV commentators don’t always mention them either unless they are at bat or pitching.  I have always paid little attention to the New York Yankees because for years they have not included names on their jerseys.  (The Mets’ jerseys, of course, do include their names.)  

As of Friday, two New York Yankees had batting averages of exactly .269.  Here are their pictures.  One is recognizable as Aaron Judge. Can you identify the other guy?  It's difficult without their names appearing on their jerseys.

Aaron Judge







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Housekeeping on Jackspotpourri

Strange “Hits’The large number of those accessing Jackspotpouri from Singapore has suddenly ceased. In their place, however, there have appeared large numbers of ‘hits’ on each posting in the hundreds, and as was the case with those from Singapore, but this time from Hong Kong!  I suspect that the Chinese are playing around with internet transmissions, possibly to try to identify who is reading them. 

Email Alerts:  If you are NOT receiving emails from me alerting you each time there is a new posting on Jackspotpourri, just send me your email address and we’ll see that you do.  And if you are forwarding a posting to someone, you might suggest that they do the same, so they will be similarly alerted. You can pass those email addresses to me by email at jacklippman18@gmail.com.

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Again, I urge you to forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it, particularly if they are a registered voter.  This is an election year.  Spread the word.


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