There is only one overriding issue of political concern right now, encompassing much of what has been appearing on this blog. That is how to defeat Republicans on Nov. 8, about 21 weeks from now. The future of democracy in the United States, however imperfect it may be, is at stake. Really. It is up to you.
‘Letters From An American’
Each morning I check out Professor Heather Cox Richardson’s daily newsletter, ‘Letters From An American.’ You should too. JUST CLICK HERE to get there or paste this in your browser line:
Her newsletter is free. If you
wish to comment on it, which hundreds of followers (including me) do every day, there’s a $5
monthly charge by Substack. Below, I occasionally use the abbreviation ‘LFAA’ to refer to her newsletter. Give it a try.
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Compromise Might Not Work
It will not work for the President, the Department of Justice, and the Democrats in Congress (so long as they control it) to seek non-partisan support for their actions. That will not work when its opponents have an agenda of their own which they ruthlessly work toward accomplishing. Those who hold a serpent close to their bosom, someone once wrote, risk getting bitten. Two examples follow:
1. There cannot be compromises on the crux of the gun violence
issue, assault weapons. Regulating the people who have access to guns is no
substitute for regulating the weapons themselves. When one thinks about it, which is more
dangerous to democracy? Regulating
people or regulating guns? (This paragraph was also posted by me on LFAA.)
2. There cannot be compromises on the indictment of those whose
seditious acts aimed at overthrowing our government have been documented, including those who inspired, planned and organized them ... and that includes the defeated former president. Democrats must stand their ground, even if it means armed conflict with the
violent opponents of democracy who are willing to re-ignite the Civil War. Democrats must be willing to suspend that
very democracy through executive orders, including a declaration of martial
law, to save it from obliteration.
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Dowd is Spot On - An American Monster
Maureen Dowd’s
column in Sunday’s New
York Times recognized, as revealed in the televised January 6
hearings, that the defeated former president was ‘deadly serious about
overthrowing the government.’ She
pointed out that he knew he had lost the election and that he didn’t object to
seeing his vice president hanged in order to avoid being labeled a loser. Dowd
called the defeated former president an ‘American monster’ and compared him
unfavorably to Frankenstein’s monster, who at least ‘had self-awareness and a
reason to wreak havoc’ and who knew ‘how to feel guilty and when to leave the
stage.’ Our monster, in contrast, Dowd wrote, is driven only by ‘pure
narcissistic psychopathy, and he refuses to leave the stage or cease his vile
Maureen is
absolutely correct!
* * * *
Nomadland, McDermond, and Shakespeare
Belatedly, I recently saw the 2021 Academy Award winning film,
‘Nomadland’ starring Frances McDermond who won an Oscar for her
performance. Not a cheerful film, but well
worth seeking out (if you have not seen it) for the truths with which it
attempts to deal.
An example: McDermond attempts to cheer up a depressed young man
(in the pathetic RV community where she sometimes lived) whose letters to his
‘girlfriend’ had gone unanswered. She
suggested he sent her a poem instead and recommended the one she recited years
before at her wedding. (Her husband was
deceased.) It was by a fellow named William Shakespeare who called it Sonnet 18.
Here it is:
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See, this blog isn’t
just about politics.
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YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Most of you already
get them, but if you are among the few who are not, please ask me to add
your email address to that list. Just
email me at
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Delicious Bits and Pieces
(Posted by me as a comment on LFAA in response to comment that American democracy’s pulse is still strong.)
‘The strength of our democracy's pulse will be measured by
what kind of action the House Committee's revelations bring about. Remember we
have a Constitution filled with compromises that made a civil war necessary to
end slavery and permits us to daily experience a level of gun violence unheard
of in other civilized democracies and a Supreme Court likely to pose an
obstacle to the DOJ's taking steps to act on the Committee's findings.’
* *
(Posted by me as a comment on LFAA in response to a comment that suggested the “USA” chant was actually ‘ugly patriotism.’)
‘The first time I
heard the "USA...USA...USA" chant was at the Fourth of July fireworks
display at Battery Park in New York City celebrating the nation's 200th
birthday in 1976. Somehow, even then it seemed alien to me, but I couldn't
quite put my finger on why. But now I can. Thanks for defining it for me as
"Ugly Patriotism." It's like wearing a hat or shirt emblazoned with
giant-sized American flags as proof of patriotism on the part of those not
necessarily patriotic. It's their preference for the sizzle without even
tasting the steak. It's why the Nazis in Germany wore armbands.’
(And while I
didn’t include the following it in what I had posted on LFAA, let me now add that such ‘ugly
patriotism’ also includes the American flag shoulder patches worn by public
servants ranging from law enforcement to trash collectors, to make sure
everyone knows that they are performing ‘patriotic’ duties, as well as doing
the jobs for which they are being paid, lessening the likelihood of their being
the subject of criticism, warranted or not.
And the pathetic souls who invaded the Capitol on January 6, 2021 draped
their sedition in the flag, having been convinced by the lies of the defeated
former president and his supporters that they were actually defending
* *
Text of letter from me to South Florida SunSentinel … yet
unpublished ?
of our country’s problems stem from there being many ignorant, gullible, and
stupid voters. While ignorance and gullibility need not be permanent
conditions, those voters who are just plain stupid cannot be changed. Their
number is grossly underestimated.’
* *
But I do get letters published. The South Florida SunSentinel printed this one on 6-12-2022
‘I disagree with the letter writer in Sunday's SunSentinel who proposed replacing the Second Amendment with a 28th Amendment filled with the details involved in gun control. Such details should be contained in laws, not included in a Constitutional Amendment.
Federal laws regarding food and drugs, the stock market, interstate commerce, social security, etc. do not require the sanctity of an Amendment. The Second Amendment was a bargaining chip included in the Bill of Rights to gain the votes of the southern slaveholding States for the new Constitution in 1789. They wanted something to insure they would have an armed militia if ever the Federal government cracked down on slavery and they got it in the Second Amendment's first thirteen words. But in 2008, the Supreme Court said those first thirteen words could be ignored.
This left the Amendment's final fourteen words
standing alone, available to invalidate gun control laws and more ominously, to
justify civilians having weapons to use in trying to overthrow a government
they felt was tyrannical. Because repeal of the Second Amendment would require
two-thirds majorities in both Houses of Congress and approval by three-quarters
of the States, it just isn't going to happen, so prepare for more gun violence.’
Although not mentioned in my letter to the newspaper, the obvious solution, then, would be a Supreme Court decision reinterpreting the meaning of the Second Amendment, putting back its first thirteen words which Justice Scalia scuttled in DC vs. Heller in 2008. If this doesn’t happen, two remote possibilities to resolve this problem might be:
(1) A Democratic president and Congress (so long
as there is a Democratic majority there) enlarging the Supreme Court, or
threatening to do so, which might result in such a reinterpretation of the
Second Amendment, or
(2) the temporary suspension of the Second
Amendment by presidential executive order so that necessary gun safety
legislation might pass. I understand
President Biden is reluctant to do this, which would approach declaring martial
* *
a very lengthy article about the history of Ameica's love affair with guns which I received from the New Yorker magazine online
(not sure whether it will be in the print version) which leads me
to make two conclusions toward which the article points but does not make (but
I do): (1) The Second Amendment must eventually be repealed. (2) The
manufacturing of guns should be carefully monitored and regulated by the
government, and not permitted to continue independently within the private
sector. Otherwise, sooner or later, we
will all kill each other. Click here to
read it and make up your mind. CLICK HERE TO READ IT.
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