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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

12-29-21 - Three Quotes, Enid and Why Covid19 is Going into Extra Innings


Three Quotes Worth Reading

A recent Washington Post carried a column by conservative columnist Michael Gerson headlined “If Report from January 6 is True, Will it Matter?”  You can read it by visiting https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/16/capitol-riot-committee-relevance-trump-voters/ or BY CLICKING HERE.

Knowing that some of you won’t do that, here are two salient quotes from the column, which points out that Trump’s G.O.P. support remains strong.

“In some ways, the GOP’s rank and file still holds the proxy for America.  The votes of Trump-alienated Republicans will eventually be required to deny him the 2024 G.O.P. presidential nomination or to seriously damage his reelection effort.  It is Republican tolerance for the intolerable that threatens American democracy.”

And further on in his column, Gerson quotes Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) who in turn quoted Benjamin Franklin as saying “I have observed that wrong is always growing more wrong until there is no bearing it anymore.  And that right, however opposed, comes right at last.”

(Permit me to add that what Franklin observed can take a very, very long time to happen.  For it to occur sooner, there must be a massive Democratic turnout in 2022, despite Republican efforts to restrict voting opportunities.  This is made more difficult because Republicans in Congress are now proudly telling their constituents about the benefits Congress in now providing for them through the 'For the People' Act and at the same time, keeping quiet about the fact that every one of them voted against them!  But voters dumb enough to elect Republicans in the first place seem susceptible to such deceit.  That is the problem.)

Finally, here is a quote posted by me on Professor Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letters from an American,” in response to a complainer who thought Attorney General Garland was moving too slowly.  I wrote that:

It is becoming more clear with each passing day that the former president is deserving of blame for the January 6 attack on the Capitol and the related efforts to affect the Constitutional process of confirming the electoral vote. The Attorney General is aware that taking action against those whose evidence might elevate the former president's apparent culpability to full responsibility would risk more violence, and that is why the DOJ is proceeding on tiptoes. I do not see how this can end well for the nation.


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Democracy Miscarries in Enid, Oklahoma

A New York Times piece published Dec. 26 carried the headline “First They Fought Over Masks, Then Over the Soul of a City.” It dealt with what is tearing America apart, using the example what happened in  Enid, Oklahoma, as an example.  You can read the article at https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/26/us/oklahoma-masks.html OR BY CLICKING HERE.

What struck me most about it was the close relationship between one side, the anti-maskers (who won out) and Protestant Christianity as practiced in the United States, and particularly in places like Enid, Oklahoma. These Americans fought for their beliefs with the violent fervor of the Crusaders who in other times trekked across Europe to free Jerusalem from Muslim control, who during the Reformation, resented a Church which took orders from a Pope in Rome, or even earlier, despised Jews for not accepting Jesus as the Messiah, instituting the Inquisition. Simply, they were unable to separate politics from religion.

This is the way they, and millions of Americans, seem to look not only at masking but also at every other change which has taken place in our country over the past century and earlier.  The pandemic only served as a focus for their fervor and brought it to a head.  It didn’t take long for Enid’s anti-masking vendetta to spread to other areas such as same sex-marriage, what books were read in the public schools and a resentment of the supposed equality which came to the nation after the Civil War.  Unsurprisingly, the antii-maskers were subsequently elected to a majority on the city's council.

That is not the way America works. That is why the Constitution forbids the establishment of a church in our nation and allows for change to occur through its Amendment process.  Those who are against change seem to forget than failure to change, when necessary, can be a greater failure than what they see as undesirable change.  But when the citizenry is incapable of separating the fervor which only religious beliefs can muster from their approach to social and political change as manifested in issues such as abortion and the teaching of American history in public schools, we are in trouble. 

Benjamin Franklin’s quote directly above, hits the nail on the head, but by the time right dominates over wrong, there may not be a United States any longer, merely a disunited bunch of States. And to the threat to democracy posed by Republican tolerance for the intolerable, pointed out by Michael Gerson (also reproduced above), I wonder if  we should be adding the fervent quasi-religious support these zealots bring to non-theological matters such as masking.


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The Headlines in Today’s (Dec. 28) Palm Beach Post, Say it All.  “COVID Skyrockets over Holiday – Palm Beach County Saw Almost 12,000 New Cases, Positivity Close to 21%, Test Lines Grow.”

Well, if 21% of the tests are positive, with even those without symptoms being counted among the new cases, that explains the big increase.  More testing ends up with more cases being reported.  

Nevertheless, a five-day quarantine (sufficient according to the CDC’s latest announcement) for all of them is suggested, along with masking and stricter social distancing.  In my opinion, that 21% number applies to the untested population as well, so my advice in the last posting of this blog (“The best way for those without symptoms to deal with the spreading variants of the coronavirus is to behave as if they had tested positive for them even though they weren’t tested!) still holds true. 

Looking at the other side of the coin, could it be that many of those without symptoms who are being tested are doing so to confirm that they are NOT infected, giving them some license to revert to pre-pandemic behavior, which could get them infected!  Would it be better for them to remain untested and behaving as if they were indeed infected?

Nevertheless, testing seems to be the key to curbing the spread of infection. Quoting from the Post’s article (by Jane Musgrave with contributions by Kimberly Miller):

“The demand for testing has increased, in part, because infections caused by the Omicron variant closely mirror symptoms of the common cold, *Bush said.  That is making even more people worry they may have contracted the deadly coronavirus that has already killed more than 813,000 people nationwide, including 62,389 in Florida.  Few people are now reporting loss of smell and taste, one of the hallmarks of the earlier variants, such as delta, Bush said. Instead, people are experiencing runny noses, sore throats, headaches and coughs – all symptoms of he common cold, he said.

Those with symptoms who are unwilling to wait in line or are unable to find a home testing kit should assume e they have COVID-19 and quarantine for at least ten days, *Bush said.

(This blog recommended that, acting as if they were ‘positive,’ two days ago, before the CDC’s reduction of the suggested quarantine to five days. The article went on to suggest that those who actually test positive should get monoclonal antibody treatment, but then added that two readily available approved therapies, including that antibody treatment, are not effective against the Omicron variant.  In fact, for that reason, some hospitals in the area have even stopped administering it.  There still is a lot of confusion regarding Covid19, even among professionals.)

*Dr. Larry Bush, an infectious disease specialist and a former president of the Palm Beach County Medical Society.



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 Why the Covid19 Pandemic is Going into Extra Innings?

Who's to Blame?

When I exchange Emails with an unvaccinated, unmasked neighbor, he frequently brings up evidence “proving” that the pandemic is a hoax, that the vaccine manufacturers are dishonest, that the vaccines themselves are dangerous, and so forth. This purported evidence includes opinions of faculty members at Harvard, Stanford and even at the University of Florida’s medical school. These “experts” are outliers, exceptions to the vast preponderance of the medical and scientific community and sometimes tied to libertarian political movements. An MD or PhD after their names doesn’t make what they say the truth.  But many people believe them.  Even some physicians.

Some attack vaccination because of the ability of the latest variants of Covid19 to bypass vaccinations to some extent. They claim this proves their point, even though infections of the vaccinated are milder than those infecting the unvaccinated.  

Many of these “scientists” gathered in 2020 in Barrington, Massachusetts, to produce the Barrington Declaration, expounding their ideas. Most scientific and medical organizations, including the World Health Organization, roundly denounced the Declaration’s views as fallacious and in fact, dangerous.  But that doesn’t stop all too many Americans from believing them.  

Magellan's Voyage of Discovery

For a long time after Magellan circumnavigated the earth, many still believed the earth was flat.  There are even a few, very few, even today who believe that it is.  Similarly, it cannot be denied that there is a body of research, condemned by most scientists, which is taken as the real truth by those who doubt the realities of the Covid19 pandemic and who do not trust the remedies science and medicine have developed to battle it. Occasionally when one is dying, he or she, or their families, experience a last-minute change of mind regarding vaccination and ask for it, too late.

That is why the Covid19 pandemic will be around for a long time, going into “overtime,” continuing to spread, and producing variants complicating the work of those developing vaccines.  Chiefly, it will be the fault of those who are unvaccinated, or who do not believe the pandemic exists, or if they do, believe in remedies which real scientists have found to be worthless such as Ivermectin, a 'de-wormer' used on horses and cattle.  

The contagion they will spread will be enough to keep Covid19 around a long time and will result in many hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths in the United States.  Most of them will be among the unvaccinated, a large percentage of whom might turn out to be Republicans. (The percentage of those not vaccinated is much higher in States that voted for the former president in 2020 than it is in States that voted for President Biden.)  I am not so cruel as to point out the political implications of this.


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