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Since discontinuing pre-notification to about 140 of this blog’s original followers whenever a new posting is added, local viewership of the blog has decreased. But overall, many people still follow www.jackspotpourri regularly. Here is a summary, by country, of those who checked out at least one of the blog’s postings during the past week. Join them! See what you may be missing!
(Statistics as of Saturday, February 8, 2020. Discount the U.S. number by 10% because I am uncertain as to whether my own views of pages accessed in developing postings, supposedly not counted, are included or not. Many of the foreign listings reflect the fact that many enterprises as well as government intelligence agencies monitor “everything,” including this blog.)
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Get Him with His Pants Down
Why do the Republicans get away with what they are doing? Why did Mitch McConnell refuse to even consider Obama’s Court nomination of Merrick Garland with a full year left in his presidency? Why did that same Senate Impeachment Jury foreman McConnell get away with declaring his refusal to be impartial even before taking a oath at the mock impeachment trial by the Senate? How is the President permitted to play act as a dictator every day, and spew lies every time he opens his mouth?
Don’t blame the Democrats. The answer starts with the Republicans of this country, in Congress and in the streets and homes of citizens of this nation. I have heard it said that the answer rests in their being silent, pliable or complicit. And that guilt reaches beyond just the Republicans. The guilty in this age are very similar to those who permitted the bloodletting and beheadings of the French Revolution, the excesses of the Inquisition, the Holocaust and similar abominations throughout history to occur. Being silent, pliable and complicit with evil acts amounts to enabling them and has been the recipe for Republican success and the placement of Trump in the White House.
That’s a hard combination for those who fight by the Marquis of Queensbury rules to beat. The answer is to be as tough, and almost as reckless and ruthless, as they are. Remember, by a five to four count, the Republicans, thanks to the corrupt Citizens United court decision enabling corporate funding of conservatives in the Senate, have stolen the ultimate role of umpire which the Supreme Court ought to fill. That makes the task even harder.
For every Republican suggestion of doing things like investigating the Bidens the Republicans make, and other such nonsense to appeal to the gullible (and unfortunately growing) Trumpian base, the Democrats should bring up:
Stormy Daniels,
Karen McDougal,
Trump University,
His failed casinos,
His bankruptcy dodges to avoid paying bills,
His Access Hollywood remarks,

His trashing of the Constitution,
His purging of government employees who do their jobs rather than kissing his ass,
His relationships with despots like Erdogan and Putin,
His taking credit for Barack Obama’s economic accomplishments and
His innumerable lies, exaggerations and manifestations of profound ignorance in all areas.
You get the idea? It doesn't end.
Don’t giveTrump a pass and let him get away with this stuff. Voices beyond the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC must join in!
And where is the clergy? Have they considered that God is watching them! Do Christians, particularly the Evangelicals who seem to think Trump is one of them, ask themselves “What would Jesus do”? And parallel questions should bother clergy of other faiths, including the Orthodox Jews who think Trump can do no wrong because he opposes abortion, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem (creating all sorts of problems in our efforts to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians) and supports whatever Netanyahu does in Israel.
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"All Ten Commandments ! Now recite them slowly, Donald! Don't forget the Seventh (the Sixth, if you like the Catholic version better.)" |
It’s not enough to logically explain that Trump’s is out to restore “pre-existing conditions” in health insurance decision-making, for example, despite his repeatedly claiming the opposite. His actions and those of those in Congress he support prove otherwise. He and his lawyers, the ones who aren’t in jail already, will argue points like this endlessly, rendering them immaterial. And that includes the Attorney General who believes he is the President’s lawyer, and not the Government’s! Trump must be caught with his pants down, figuratively of course, and that should be displayed repeatedly on TV and throughout all media. His pants are down most of the time, as proven by his remarks about Pearl Harbor and his disrespect of the National Anthem at the Superbowl.
James Carville said it Monday morning on “Morning Joe.” “The only thing standing between America and the abyss is the Democratic Party.” I heard him, but I wonder how many Americans, busy last week with the Superbowl and last night with the Academy Awards, hear him. The Founding Fathers assumed an educated electorate and not the silent, pliable and complicit mob it appears we have. Democracy has a hard row to hoe.
So, what are YOU going to do about it? Thomas Paine said it many years ago: "These are the times that try men's souls."
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The Medal of Freedom
And as for Trump’s disgusting award of the Medal of Freedom to the vile radio charlatan Rush Limbaugh, compare that disgraceful and purely political act by the President with previous honorees in the fields of radio and television, the only categories appropriate for Limbaugh … and make your own decision. (List courtesy of Wikipedia.) Excuse me while I step outside to vomit.
Gerald Ford
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George W. Bush
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Donald Trump
George H.W. Bush
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George H.W. Bush
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Bill Clinton
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Bill Clinton
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George W. Bush
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George W. Bush
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George W. Bush
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George W. Bush
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George W. Bush
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George W. Bush
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Barack Obama
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Barack Obama
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Barack Obama
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Barack Obama
All deserving except for Cosby, of course.
(When the late Senator Joseph McCarthy died, even his harshest critics refrained from immediate criticism, saying that one speaks only kindly of the deceased. Recognizing that Limbaugh is seriously ill, I am making these comments while he still is alive.)
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So, what are YOU going to do about it? Thomas Paine said it many years ago: "These are the times that try men's souls."
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