About Me

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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Gerson Chastises G.O.P., the Democratic Nominee

Republicans are the Blame

For dictatorship to arise in the United States, all it takes is an electorate (already reduced by elected local Republican officials wherever possible) which remains silent, or is easily swayed by questionable rhetoric or is compliant with autocracy!  

It's not an easy thing for voters to slip into these classifications, but when they can coalesce around an organization, it becomes possible, if not likely: such an organization is the Republican Party.  Washington Post Michael Gerson, speechwriter for "real" Republicans, concluded a recent column by saying, "a nation in need of Republican leaders has found flunkies instead.'  Read his entire column.  It should move you to action! JUST CLICK HERE AND READ ON !

So, what are YOU going to do about these Trumpublican abominations?  Thomas Paine said it many years ago:  "These are the times that try men's souls."

Start by passing this blog posting on to a few friends and relatives …. And then become an activist!

The Democratic Nominee

The eventual Democratic presidential nominee must be able to hang on to all of the Democratic voters whose agenda is not exactly what the nominee's is.  That means that moderates must buy into Bernie Sanders if he is the nominee, and progressives must buy into a moderate candidate.  They must not walk away if the nominee's position does not agree with theirs, and this goes for the women's vote, the Afro-American vote, the Latinx vote and the coalition forged by Barack Obama (which Hillary failed to hang onto in crucial States in 2016).  The alternative is four more years of Trump and the end of democracy in America.

And speaking of States, all that really count in 2020's presidential race are Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and perhaps Ohio.  All the rest are predictably Red or Blue.  That's where the Democrats must direct their resources ... and the echoes of those campaigns will resound in other places as well, hopefully picking up a few Senate seats.

Can she hang on to Bernie's backers?
I am not reluctant to tell you how it looks to me at this point.  Although Sanders will have enough votes locked in to win the nomination, the Convention will not allow that for it would guarantee a Trumpublican victory in 2020 and loss of the House.  There will be a "brokered" convention, with Elizabeth Warren as the nominee to comfort those on the left and an Afro-American as her running mate, conceivably Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick or N.J. Senator Cory Booker.  There are plenty of reasons why Biden, Buttigeig, Bloomberg and Klobuchar will not matter at convention-time.  ALL OF THIS CAN CHANGE, but this is is how it looks to me today.  (2/21/20)

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