Poor Anna, Poor Tess
It has been 100 years since the Nineteenth Amendment was added to
the Constitution of the United States, giving women the right to
vote. The rights of women have been trampled on throughout history. (It even goes back to the Bible. Today's clergy bend over backwards to explain that.)
To get some insight into the way thing were, read
about what women had to put up with just fifty years or so before the Nineteenth
Amendment became law. Two monumental novels well make this
point. Both are set outside of the United States, but things were
pretty much the same here as they were in late Nineteenth century Imperial
Russia or Victorian England respectively, where Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”
and Thomas Hardy’s “Tess of the D’Aurbervilles” are set. (For both
Anna and Tess, things didn’t end well. They're both "good
reads" if you have the time, which I doubt. Originally serialized in Russia, "Anna" runs on for 817 pages.)
Jack Lippman
Why He Is Like He Is
Are you puzzled over the
behavior of the President of the United States and what he thinks is ethically
proper and what is not? All he is doing is applying the level of
ethical morality which is routinely acceptable in the business community to
what he does in government. Why, if such behavior is considered
normal in a free enterprise capitalist society, is it not acceptable in running
the government which manages that society?
If a lawyer in the
private sector can tell a businessman how to “legally” do something that is
otherwise “illegal,” why cannot the President do things that are “illegal” so
long as his lawyers and the Department of Justice manage to rationalize those
acts, cloaking them with the garb of “legality.” That is the problem
in electing a businessman to public office. Different ethical codes
And while on the subject
of our businessman in the White House, several weeks ago, on this blog, I
modified my position on impeaching
him. I had been against
it because it would never make it through the Republican whores in the Senate
and give the President something about which to brag. “Hey, they
failed to impeach me!”
My modification declared
that if court actions and House committee hearings do not bring out enough
impeachable documentation by the end of July, sufficient to convince the Senate
to change its position or even convince the President to resign as Richard
Nixon did, the House should then start impeachment hearings. I still
am of that opinion. July 31 is the deadline. After that
date, expect things to get nasty.
Kellyanne & the Hatch Act
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Kellyanne with spouse |
Many years ago, I was active in the South Ward Young Democratic Club in Newark, N.J. We had a member who had a minor city job of some sort downtown in Newark’s City Hall. Whenever he was asked to participate in some campaign activity or other, he excused himself by saying the Hatch Act prevented him, as a government employee, from political campaigning. (Since the Hatch Act pertained to Federal employees, his excuse was an invalid one, but we didn’t know any better and never challenged him.)
This is the same Act which some are now claiming that Kellyanne
Conway violated by doing political campaigning while being paid as an advisor
to President Trump. It’s very difficult to get and hold a government
job of that nature without manifesting political loyalties. I would
suspect the Hatch Act is being violated every day in this administration as it
probably has been in every administration since its passage in
1939. Moreover, since the Hatch Act specifically exempts (besides
the President and the Vice President), persons whose compensation is paid from
the appropriation for the office of the President as well as heads and assistant
heads of executive departments, it is extremely unlikely that Ms. Conway’s
position would not be squeezable into one of these exempt
categories. My view (and I’m from New
Joisey) in regard to the Hatch Act and Kellyanne? Fuggedaboudit!
Here's Where I Play Economist
(Those who have read some of my occasional economic thoughts in the past should know that I consider economists to be more like astrologers or alchemists than scientists. That didn't stop John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman from both being held in high esteem while diametrically opposed in theory.)
The Interest-Dependent Profit Motive in Banks and
Insurance Companies as Opposed to Other Businesses
All real businesses exist to
make a profit. Of course, there are some
that do not or even operate at a loss, but those are not “real”
businesses. They continue to exist, or
fail to go out of business, because their negative bottom lines are useful to
their owners for tax purposes. Forget
about them. We are talking about “real” businesses, all of which are structured
to make a profit.
Any business, after paying the
costs of producing its product or providing its service, its employees’
salaries, its taxes, its rent, its equipment, its accounting, advertising,
legal and other operating expenses, hopes to have something left over. That is its profit for its owners or shareholders.
This is easily understandable
when we talk about businesses with tangible products such as manufacturers,
restaurants and retail establishments as well as those that deal in necessary
services such as delivery companies, dry-cleaners, utilities and such
professional services provided in the healthcare, legal, accounting and other
professional or quasi-professional areas.
In all such enterprises, more
money should come in than goes out.
Otherwise the business ultimately fails, even if the temporary input of
cash through loans or investment can postpone that day. But let’s get to companies
whose stock in trade is not a tangible product or service, but the manipulation
of money. We’re talking about insurance
companies and banks.
Banks provide services to
their retail customers in the form of savings accounts and checking accounts
for which they charge either through fees or by the failure to pay the real
current interest rate on the money they are holding. They don’t lose money on their checking and
savings customers. But that is only a tiny
part of the business they are in.
The funds in or moving through these accounts enable them to access further funds (for which they themselves pay interest) from the Federal government, and that is the larger pool of money banks use to make their real profits, which is the interest paid to them for home loans, auto loans, mortgages and most importantly, loans and credit made available to businesses of all sizes to enable them to operate as if they had their anticipated profits already in their accounts.
Sometimes, a bank may not even bother with the “seed money” provided by retail savings and checking accounts to have a large pool of money to thusly invest. Their sole customers are those to whom they provide money. We call them “investment banks (Goldman Sachs is an example)” as opposed to those that still also have retail customers for savings and checking as well (Wells Fargo is an example of such “commercial banks”).
Of course, ostensibly purely retail financial institutions such as credit unions and savings banks also depend on how they invest the money they are holding to make them profitable, something the profits made from their retail customers cannot alone do. And for all intents and purposes, “pseudo-banks,” those companies in the venture capital and private equity fields, require that the money they lend or invest produce income at a generous interest rate, just as “real” banks do. No one goes into the money business with the aim of failing.
The funds in or moving through these accounts enable them to access further funds (for which they themselves pay interest) from the Federal government, and that is the larger pool of money banks use to make their real profits, which is the interest paid to them for home loans, auto loans, mortgages and most importantly, loans and credit made available to businesses of all sizes to enable them to operate as if they had their anticipated profits already in their accounts.
Sometimes, a bank may not even bother with the “seed money” provided by retail savings and checking accounts to have a large pool of money to thusly invest. Their sole customers are those to whom they provide money. We call them “investment banks (Goldman Sachs is an example)” as opposed to those that still also have retail customers for savings and checking as well (Wells Fargo is an example of such “commercial banks”).
Of course, ostensibly purely retail financial institutions such as credit unions and savings banks also depend on how they invest the money they are holding to make them profitable, something the profits made from their retail customers cannot alone do. And for all intents and purposes, “pseudo-banks,” those companies in the venture capital and private equity fields, require that the money they lend or invest produce income at a generous interest rate, just as “real” banks do. No one goes into the money business with the aim of failing.
Looking at insurance
companies, they also provide money for investment and that is where they make
their profit. The products they sell, be
it life insurance, health insurance, automobile insurance, homeowners or renters
insurance, business insurance, etc. are all cut and dried as calculated by
actuaries whose professional skill is to know when and what claims might be
anticipated, how much will be needed to pay them, and what premiums to charge
in order for that amount of money to be available. Because these premium payments supposedly
accumulate for the possible payment of future claims, the interest rate at
which that money accumulates is crucial to the pricing of insurance. Of course, interest being earned is important
in banking as well, but in insurance, it is even more important since long term
commitments are always involved. In any
event, insurance companies do not make very much money from the premium
payments their policyholders pay. Those
amounts are determined by formulas which dictate how much will be needed to pay
future claims, and there is little, if any, profit built into them, remaining
after “overhead” expenses are paid.
The real money insurance companies make is from the interest they earn from the loans and investments they make on the enormous amounts of money they are holding to cover future claims. (An investment banker I knew once, looking at this pool of money, greedily referred to insurance companies as “cash cows.”) The long-term interest rates plugged into their actuarial assumptions are usually far more conservative than what the insurance companies’ investments actually earn. Hence, insurance companies usually make a lot of money. (When an insurance company fails, and it does happen, it is usually because its management has fallen into the hands of sales-oriented marketing people recklessly attempting to increase that pool of money to invest, rather than traditional conservative number-crunchers.)
The real money insurance companies make is from the interest they earn from the loans and investments they make on the enormous amounts of money they are holding to cover future claims. (An investment banker I knew once, looking at this pool of money, greedily referred to insurance companies as “cash cows.”) The long-term interest rates plugged into their actuarial assumptions are usually far more conservative than what the insurance companies’ investments actually earn. Hence, insurance companies usually make a lot of money. (When an insurance company fails, and it does happen, it is usually because its management has fallen into the hands of sales-oriented marketing people recklessly attempting to increase that pool of money to invest, rather than traditional conservative number-crunchers.)
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Federal Reserve Bank's DC headquarters |
Banks, insurance companies and
other financial institutions mentioned above should not be permitted to operate
without careful oversight and regulation by Federal and State agencies. We have that today, but the trend should be
toward more, and not less, such monitoring.
Jack Lippman
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