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Remembering Iwo Jima |
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Brahms and Biden
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Falletta |
and even embracing, even if unsolicited (I don’t know if Ms. Falletta expected
it to happen) is nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, Ms. Falletta’s husband, a musician
in the orchestra, was sitting right there applauding along with the rest of
us. What counts is the reason for such
overt signs of affection. What is its
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Biden |
Such accusations come nowhere near those made of the thrice-married, adulterous President of the United States who prides himself on his sexual prowess (check out affairs with Stormy and Karen, not to mention Marla … whom he was bedding while he was still married to Ivana) and from whom it is said that a friendly pat on the back sometimes dropped down a few inches becoming a squeeze of the butt.
(As of this moment, I have not made up my mind as to whom I favor for the Democratic presidential nomination ... but for reasons other than those discussed above, I am not leaning in Joe's direction.)
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Pillow Talk Amongst the Conways
In George T. Conway’s op-ed piece in the Washington Post, appearing a few days after the Attorney General’s
four-page summary of the Mueller Report was published, he wrote that “whether
the Mueller report ever sees the light of day, there is one charge that can be
resolved now. Americans should expect far more from a president than merely
that he not be provably a criminal. They should expect a president to comport
himself in accordance with the high duties of his office.”
Conway concluded his op-ed by declaring that
“if the charge were unfitness for office, the verdict would already be in:
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” He
also said that "if Mueller’s report doesn’t exonerate the president (from
charges of obstruction), there must be something pretty damning in it about
him, even if it might not suffice to prove a crime beyond a reasonable
doubt.” You MUST read the entire op-ed
(George T. Conway, III is a
prominent and highly respected lawyer, practicing in New York.)
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Loving Couple |
CLICK RIGHT HERE to read Conway's Washington
Post op-ed in full as reproduced last week in the Palm Beach
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The Roadmap to Democratic Success in 2020
As my last blog posting made very clear, despite opinions
like that of George Conway addressed above, no matter how the pending court
cases are resolved and whatever the Democratic Congressional investigations
produce, the only real pathway to success for Democrats is to register voters
and work to win every election possible at all levels. The Mueller Report is not sufficient
ammunition. Attacking President Trump’s many obvious shortcomings will
be self-defeating because, as you will see, all those who support him are
well aware of them and are immune to criticism for believing as they do. No, the key is working to register as many
Democratic voters as possible, nationwide.
And once those voters are registered, here is how the job of
winning elections in 2020 must be accomplished.
Giving such advice may seem highly presumptuous on my part, but after
the Democratic nomination of Hillary Clinton in 2016 (when asked back then if I
was for her, I ended up replying “Yes, but not comfortably so.”) and their managing to
lose both the Senate and Governorship races in Florida in 2018, I wonder if the
Party’s leaders really understand.
Well, here’s how the job must be done.
It takes a lot of effort to get your hands and arms around the problem,
and your head into it, but please try.
It starts with Ben Bradlee’s book,
“The Forgotten,” which explains how Luzerne County, Pennsylvania,
long a strong bastion of unionism and the Democratic Party, went overwhelmingly
for Donald Trump in 2016, providing enough of a margin of victory to give
all of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes to Trump. That was it.
The game and the election were lost there and then. The same sort of thing
happened in Michigan and Wisconsin as well, but Bradlee dissected how it
happened in Luzerne County with numerous readable and sometimes frightening
interviews. There are three requirements to which I suggest all
Democrats adhere in order to win in 2020.
Requirement One: Every Democratic candidate for office at all
levels, and all members of the Democratic National Committee and all precinct
leaders, nationwide, MUST be required to read Bradlee’s book. Otherwise, they’re out of a job.
Now let’s get to the book, which should be their primer on how Democrats can win big in 2020. You can read the opening sections of "The Forgotten's" Kindle version, if you wish, by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. That ought to whet your appetite for a trip to a bookstore, a book ordering site online or your nearest public library. Read the whole book!
Now let’s get to the book, which should be their primer on how Democrats can win big in 2020. You can read the opening sections of "The Forgotten's" Kindle version, if you wish, by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. That ought to whet your appetite for a trip to a bookstore, a book ordering site online or your nearest public library. Read the whole book!
the Introduction section of his book, which chronicles in detail why a county
which had always been strongly Democratic turned to Donald Trump, not narrowly,
but by big, big, numbers in 2016, Bradlee writes, “Some of the motivating
factors behind Trump’s appeal could be found in an anonymous, post-election
(2016) email circulating among his voters in Luzerne County and elsewhere, its
candid sentiments amount to a Trump voters’ creed.” Its full text follows:
‘I haven’t said too much about this election since the start …
but this is how I feel … I’m noticing that a lot of you aren’t graciously
accepting the fact that your candidate lost.
In fact, you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of
us who voted for Trump. Some of you are
apparently “triggered” because you are posting how “sick” you feel about the
results. How did this happen, you ask?
You created “us” when
you attacked our freedom of speech.
You created “us” when
you attacked our right to bear arms.
You created “us” when
you attacked our Christian beliefs.
You created “us” when
you constantly referred to us as racists.
You created “us” when
you constantly called xenophobic.
You created “us” when
you told us to get on board or get out of the way.
You created “us” when
you attacked our flag.
You created “us” when
you took God out of our schools.
You created “us” when
you confused women’s rights with feminism.
You created “us” when
you began to emasculate men.
You created “us” when
you decided to make our children soft.
You created “us” when
you decided to vote for progressive ideals.
You created “us” when
you attacked our way of life.
You created “us” when
you decided to let our government get out of control.
You created “us,” the
silent majority.
You created “us” when
you began murdering innocent law enforcement officers.
You created “us” when
you lied and said we could keep our insurance plans and our doctors.
You created “us” when
you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country.
You created “us” when
you took a knee or stayed seated or didn’t remove your hat during our national
You created “us” when
you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not
And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up. And we did it
With ballots, not
With ballots, not
With ballots, not
With ballots, not
blocking traffic,
With ballots, not
fires, except the one you started inside of “us.”
YOU created “US.” It really is just that simple.’
of these voters had been life-long Democrats, living in a once-heavily
unionized county, but in 2016, they turned to Trump, and along with him, the
Republican Party. In prior years, many
felt the Republicans were “for the rich” and the Democrats were “for the
working people.” In Luzerne County, they
switched sides in 2016 and voted for Donald Trump for the reasons listed
above. Today, Democrats ignore this at
their peril … in Luzerne County and elsewhere in the nation! Read it and heed it.
you look at the litany of supposed provocations in the email reproduced above,
some (support of the Second Amendment, opposition to Government involvement in
health care,) can be taken as traditional Republican positions, while others
relate to what specifically happened over the past few decades in Luzerne
County and manifest social and cultural issues as well as economic ones. But they are all interrelated.
The coal mines closed, the manufacturing that replaced some of the lost mining jobs eventually moved overseas, the unions left (check out lyrics to Billy Joel’s song “Allentown” on this subject), unemployment was rampant, mortgages were foreclosed, those who could afford to left the area, retail businesses closed, housing deteriorated, and what low level jobs remained were taken by non-white immigrants who were willing to work for the minimum wage while still qualifying for public assistance, and who rented housing at bargain prices. In this environment, crime and corruption (always present in Luzerne County) flourished. One resident commented that “the Italian Mafia was replaced by the Latino Mafia.”
The coal mines closed, the manufacturing that replaced some of the lost mining jobs eventually moved overseas, the unions left (check out lyrics to Billy Joel’s song “Allentown” on this subject), unemployment was rampant, mortgages were foreclosed, those who could afford to left the area, retail businesses closed, housing deteriorated, and what low level jobs remained were taken by non-white immigrants who were willing to work for the minimum wage while still qualifying for public assistance, and who rented housing at bargain prices. In this environment, crime and corruption (always present in Luzerne County) flourished. One resident commented that “the Italian Mafia was replaced by the Latino Mafia.”
was not a matter of Republicans offering solutions to these problems. They had
none. The Democratic Party, once the voters' salvation,
had none either in 2016. And the
emphasis which the Democrats placed on progressive agenda items such as healthcare,
climate change, the nation’s infrastructure, women’s rights, LGBT rights, the
environment, world trade, gun violence, public education as well as civil,
voting and minority rights did not resonate in Luzerne County. These issues did
not directly address their problems. The voters there, including Democrats, felt that thier parties had "forgotten them," and hence, the title of Bradlee's book.
Some Democrats felt that they were not leaving their party, but that it was the
Democratic Party that had "forgotten them" and was leaving them.
And in comes Donald Trump with the Republican nomination in hand, promising, in their folksy and earthy language, to shake things up, and Luzerne County was glad to embrace him, even though the Republican Party, long a bastion of backward-looking conservatism, had no solutions either.
The good citizens of
Luzerne County were looking around for someone on whom to place the blame for their sorry state of affairs, and
Donald Trump was giving them a broad choice of people, or groups, to blame, among others, immigrants and those on "welfare,' both helpless and easy targets. What was once an almost entirely white county now had a large, and growing, minority population.
But I am getting ahead of myself. Read the book! (Remember, that was "Requirement One.")
And in comes Donald Trump with the Republican nomination in hand, promising, in their folksy and earthy language, to shake things up, and Luzerne County was glad to embrace him, even though the Republican Party, long a bastion of backward-looking conservatism, had no solutions either.
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Latino Softball League Flourishes in Wilkes-Barre |
But I am getting ahead of myself. Read the book! (Remember, that was "Requirement One.")
Requirement Two: In 2020, Democrats must not run against Donald Trump. We all know he is, was and always will be bad news. But many, many, others support him, despite all his faults. Arguing with his positions or what he says is impossible since he relies on lies, hyperbole, imprecise language and insults. Were such a contest being held in an academic debate environment, things would be different, but that is not an arena into which Trump, nor his Republican supporters, choose to enter. The same goes for rational journalists’ opinions, as voiced in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, PBS, CNN and MSNBC. They are worthless in debating Trump, who prefers the National Enquirer or brief twitter outpourings.
Three: Here’s what MUST be done. This is the clincher. The bottom line. The Democratic Party must strongly stress what its
programs can do, specifically, to benefit voters in distressed places like Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania and the hundreds of similar places throughout the country,
particularly in states which narrowly gave their electoral votes to Donald
Trump in 2016, states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and of course,
This should take the form of a three-pronged effort directed at removing the reasons why these good people turned to a fraud like Donald Trump in desperation in the first place. They attack the cause.
This should take the form of a three-pronged effort directed at removing the reasons why these good people turned to a fraud like Donald Trump in desperation in the first place. They attack the cause.
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Well paying, permanent jobs rebuilding and maintaining the nation's infrastructure are the answer, not burger flipping jobs at Wendy's |
The program should provide enough employment in both the public and private sectors, on a continuing basis, at good salaries, to replace the jobs that were lost in places like Luzerne County over the past thirty years. It must provide jobs over the broad spectrum of workers, including all ethnic groups, a factor which cannot be ignored. Income from these "infrastructure-related" jobs will filter down to the entire community as these dollars are spent.
Such economic rejuvenation, I believe, will sufficiently (although not entirely) erase the racism and bigotry which feeds on economic distress, and which Donald Trump harvested. It will lessen cultural differences, reducing the number of people "on welfare" and change the nature of those choosing to emigrate to what will be a no longer "distressed" Luzerne County. It won't be inexpensive, but funding for such programs can come from significantly increased taxes on the wealthy, involving a reversal of the tax cuts given them by Republicans in 2017.
The modest unemployment rate in the country, about which Republicans and the President boast, is an illusion because many of the jobs it reflects are minimum wage service jobs paying far less than is needed to support a family. Jobs at Burger King are not the answer.
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The Healthcare Crisis Must be Resolved |
Prong 3 - Finally, the
more progressive aspects of the Democratic platform such as climate change,
women’s rights, LGBT rights, the environment, world trade, gun violence, public
education as well as civil, voting and minority rights should be pushed to the
background in areas like Luzerne County.
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Demonstrations Like This Will Not Help Return Places Like Luzerne County to the Democratic Party. They Love their Guns too Much! |
They should be mentioned, of course, but only secondary to the two “prongs” mentioned directly above, infrastructure jobs and health care. They will not attract voters in places like Luzerne County. They might even provide ammunition to Republicans. Why give them a target? As potent as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives might be as vote-getters in some areas, Democrats would be foolish to send her to Wilkes-Barre to speak.
That’s it, Democrats. Once again, recapitulating those three "requirements" ....
Read the book (“The Forgotten”). (Okay, if you're too busy to do that, at least CLICK HERE to read the Kindle sample mentioned above. It might change your mind.)
2. Forget about Donald Trump. Attacking him is like punching a pillow.
3. The Three "Prongs" - (1) Create good jobs by massively rebuilding infrastructure and (2) providing reasonably priced health care, both funded by reversing the 2017 tax cuts for the
wealthy, all the while (3) soft-pedalling, but not ignoring, other progressive Democratic priorities in areas such
as Luzerne County where their impact is questionable.
Then, and only then, will places like Luzerne County no longer be among "The Forgotten."
Then, and only then, will places like Luzerne County no longer be among "The Forgotten."
On Security Clearances (with
apologies to Jared K.)
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This is the original crest of the REDACTED |
connections, familial or business-wise, make one vulnerable to being
compromised or blackmailed. That’s the
way these things are supposed to be handled, unless you work for the Executive
Branch of our government headed by Donald Trump, who probably, once he is out
of office, would not himself qualify for the minimal security clearance needed
to get a job sweeping the floors in a government building somewhere.
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Remembering the Battle of the Bulge |
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Lonely in the Ballpark
Lonely in the Ballpark
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Empty Seats in Miami |
I suspect
that the days of the Miami Marlins in Florida are numbered. The only
problems would be how to get out of their deal with Miami-Dade County for use
of Marlins Park and where to move the team. (Stuck with a
baseball-less stadium, they probably would convert it to a soccer venue.)
Believe me, owners Derek Jeter and Bruce Sherman are businessmen, not
philanthropists, and must be thinking about this right now.
Based on
attendance at the first seven home games, I project the Marlins will be
fortunate if their total attendance for 2019 is as high as 600,000 for their 82 home games. (Their
current ownership is honest about attendance numbers. The previous owners
were not.) In 2018, even with ten less home games on their
schedule, four minor league teams, Indianapolis, Columbus, Nashville and Round
Rock (Austin, TX area) drew more than 600,000 for the season!
To put in context how abysmal things have
been at Marlins Park, through seven games, paid attendance has averaged 9,577
per game. But if we remove the 25,423 that came on Opening Day, the Marlins
have seen an average of less than 7,000 per game (6,936).
is down throughout major league baseball, but nowhere is it as bad as it is in
Miami. I predict, assuming attendance remains at present levels,
that the Marlins will be out of Florida by 2022.
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Jack Lippman
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