The Truth About
who unsuccessfully fought the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
and are embittered by the Supreme Court’s affirming that it is constitutional
are doing their best to hamper its implementation by (1) Congressional efforts
to deny the Act the funds it needs to operate (defunding) and (2) individual state
efforts to prevent the Act’s “educational” provisions from being carried out by
“navigators.” Meanwhile, Obamacare’s
opponents are spreading lies designed to confuse people and make it
unpopular. HERE
Medicare Enrollees:
If you are covered by Medicare, you do not have to do anything! Your Medicare coverage continues, and in fact is improved with the addition of free preventive benefits, cancer screenings and an annual wellness visit along with discounts on brand-name prescription drugs for those in the Part D "donut hole." Any Medicare
Supplement programs you are purchasing are not changed by the Affordable Care Act. Similarly, if your Medicare comes via a Medicare Advantage plan
(Medicare Part C) or you subscribe to a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan,
there are no changes other than the improvement mentioned above. In short, Obamacare does not require Medicare enrollees to do anything.
If you are not enrolled in Medicare, however, you have some important choices to make.
For a clear and understandable explanation of what course of action
would be most beneficial to you and your family, I urge you to visit If you have relatives who are not enrolled
in Medicare, please let them know about this very informative website. And of course, do not fall prey to unsolicited telephone calls from those interested in selling you coverage supposedly required by the Affordable Care Act. Visit
Jack Lippman

In some synagogues, the service for Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of Atonement, includes a section of prayers devoted to what is called the Martyrology, where stories are told of those who, throughout history, gave their lives for their faith. That portion of the Martyrology devoted to those whose lives were lost in the Holocaust is marked with the simple listing of the names of the death camps where those lives were sacrificed: “Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Therisenstadt” … the tearful litany continues on.
Is "Corporation" a Dirty Word?
The big guys
Mom and Pop
To some critics, the word
“corporation” conjures up an image of expensively-suited businessmen in a wood
paneled board room making ruthless decisions directed at maximizing their
business’ profits at any cost.
In some synagogues, the service for Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of Atonement, includes a section of prayers devoted to what is called the Martyrology, where stories are told of those who, throughout history, gave their lives for their faith. That portion of the Martyrology devoted to those whose lives were lost in the Holocaust is marked with the simple listing of the names of the death camps where those lives were sacrificed: “Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Therisenstadt” … the tearful litany continues on.
are developing a similar litany in our country memorializing those whose lives
have been lost because of the availability of weapons here: “Blacksburg VA, Austin TX, Killeen TX, Columbine CO, Aurora
CO, Newtown CT,” and now, “the Washington Navy Yard.” The tearful litany continues on.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution preserves the right of citizens
to bear arms, and in doing so, makes them available to the unbalanced and those with evil
intent. I hope, and pray, that this
litany of massacres comes to an end, just as we hope the litany of the names of
concentration camps has ended.
Unfortunately, legislation to bring about improvements in gun control will not come about until Representatives and Senators are able to vote for them without fear of losing in the next election because of the vast number of gullible voters in their districts who mindlessly believe the poisonous lies spewed out by the National Rifle Association.
Unfortunately, legislation to bring about improvements in gun control will not come about until Representatives and Senators are able to vote for them without fear of losing in the next election because of the vast number of gullible voters in their districts who mindlessly believe the poisonous lies spewed out by the National Rifle Association.
Is "Corporation" a Dirty Word?
Whenever I hear someone, usually a
liberal left-winger on a TV channel other than Fox, complaining about the ills
of our economy, they tend to use the word “corporation” or the word “corporate”
in an almost pejorative way. They talk about “corporate greed” and the
bad things corporations do such as closing plants, overpaying executives,
underpaying employees, charging as much as they can get, outsourcing jobs,
Sometimes, such critics give you the feeling that making money,
making a profit at whatever you do, is immoral. If you make a lot of
money, you must have taken it from the pockets of others, and that somehow
makes you a bad person. No it doesn’t. You were just trying to make
a profit. But more about that later. Let’s get back to the
unjustified pejorative use of the word “corporation.”
First, let’s get it straight!
“Corporation is not a bad word.” A business usually takes one of three
forms: It can be a sole proprietorship owned by one person, it can be
partnership of which there are several varieties (such as limited or general
partnerships) or it can be a corporation, of which there also are several
varieties (sub-chapter C or S corporations, limited liability corporations, etc.).
There are other structures businesses can take on such as that of a
professional association, usually designated by the letters PA appearing after
the names of banks or medical practices taking this form. For legal
reasons, most large businesses operate as corporations. This makes it
possible for them it to have many shareholders owning it and operate as an
entity separate from its ownership interests. Okay? Enough of
Business Law 101.
Regardless of what form any business
takes, its primary objectives are to maximize its income and minimize its expenses, and that applies to
non-profit enterprises as well.
Make no mistake! Profit, the
difference between income and expenses, is good! It is what makes a free
enterprise economy work in providing jobs as businesses grow and giving
financial benefits to those who have risked their money by becoming
shareholders or lent the business money as bondholders.
As I have said, most large businesses
operate as corporations. It is the most efficient way for them to
succeed. Despite their frequent efforts to be good “corporate” citizens,
their primary objective is to maximize their bottom line, their profits.
There is nothing immoral about their doing so, and this includes utilizing any
and all advantages in regard to taxation and otherwise, that the laws provide
to businesses, including corporations. Ask any businessman if he can do
anything he wants in the name of maximizing his profits and he will laugh at
you, pointing out the vast number of government agencies dedicated to
regulating businesses of all kinds, particularly corporations, to assure they
are run in a fair and honest manner.
We do not live in a communist state
where all businesses, the means of production, are owned by the
government. We do not live in a fascist corporate state where all businesses
are tightly regulated so that they operate solely for the good of the
state. The profit motive is absent in such scenarios. That is why
they fail. The capitalist free enterprise system which we have works.
And maximizing profit is the key to its operating successfully. As I have
said, “Make no mistake! Profit is good!” And “corporation” is not a
dirty word. It’s just the structure in which most large American
businesses have chosen to operate.
But really, how different is this from the
owners of a mom and pop grocery store, however it might be structured, making
the same kinds of decisions directed at maximizing their business’ profits?
If such critics want “corporation” to be a dirty word, then all
forms of businesses trying to maximize profits, be they corporations,
partnerships, sole proprietorships or PAs, are equally subject to condemnation.
Then the “dirty” word is no longer “corporation,” but rather “business” in
general. I doubt that critics of corporations want to go that far. So when you hear someone on TV or radio condemning
“corporations” or making the adjective "corporate" sound like something evil, take what they are saying with a grain of salt … and try to
focus on the criticism itself rather than the offending business’ structure.
Your thoughts on this subject are
appreciated, for publication or otherwise.

Cell Phone Reminder

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Cell Phone Reminder
Years ago, when I got my first cell phone, the primary motivation for my doing so was to make sure I had a means of communicating if I encounted car trouble somewhere other than in my driveway. That remains a good reason for keeping your phone with you when you leave your home, driving off somewhere. All too often, however, my phone remains in the house, perhaps being charged, or just sitting on my desk, when I leave. Sometimes I just forget to take it with me. This is particularly true when my outing is a short one, perhaps to a golf course or to a nearby store. But an automobile mishap is just as likely to occur on a short trip as on a long one. So, to remedy this, I have affixed a reminder to my steering wheel, pictured below. Maybe it will help.

Sid's Corner
Sid's Corner
(See the photos of Oliver and Isabelle in the blog's last posting on September 13. They moved Sid to take pen in hand and wax poetic.) JL
They met as youngsters
On my son’s farm
Romping through fields and gardens
Chasing the chickens
Becoming good friends, good buddies
Morphing into lovers when Izzy came of age
And now in her first pregnancy
Giving birth
Blind, deaf, wet, rat-like
Adorable puppies
Sans instruction she knew what to do
Each placenta, embryonic sac, and cord
Innately dealt with by her tongue and teeth
Ten teats for thirteen hungry mouths
From huge to runt vying for nourishment
The four foot square birthing box big enough for now
Room for her to lay down for eager access by her pups
A miracle to watch
And Oliver the sire looking at his progeny
Lacking only a lit cigar in his grinning mouth
Proud papa that he is
Of thirteen new-born Golden Retrievers
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Jack Lippman
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