My letter to the Palm Beach
Post concerning gun violence (see my most recent posting four days ago), was published
on February 21. Unfortunaely, the Post managed to mess up its second sentence but the message did come through. I have contacted the
paper’s editor and perhaps he will have his staff brush up on the English
language, but still, reaching many thousands of their readers is better than what Jackspotpourri
usually attracts.
I believe the Post will not print more than one letter a month from an individual reader. I know one resident here who writes letters to the Sun-Sentinel under his wife’s name to avoid their similar restriction. Clever!
Go back and read my letter (on some devices, that prior posting appears
right after this) and consider donating to the charities fighting gun violence:
BradyUnited, Giffords, or Everytown.
Just google them with the words ‘gun control’ to get to their sites.
Support them!
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Debbie Muscarsel-Powell |
Work to Replace Rick with Debbie
Errors in using the English
language, as mentioned above, should be taken in stride because this is
‘Florida,’ and not a more enlightened State, of which there are perhaps 48 in
the country. That’s why we manage to elect to office those like Ron DeSantis
and RickScott. And speaking of Scott, he
can be retired from the Senate in November if you vote for Debbie
Muscarsel-Powell to replace him.
Please join me in helping
get her elected. She is a strong backer
of the President and will work in the Senate to pass measures that will benefit
all Americans. Keeping a Senate majority
in November is extremely important because of its role in confirming Supreme
Court nominees, and of course, Rick Scott is an insult to democracy, proven by
his anti-Social Security, anti-Medicare positions as well as his history as CEO
of a private hospital chain that was convicted of defrauding Medicare some
years ago.
Check out Debbie’s website
at and make a donation to help her defeat Rick
Scott. CLICK HERE to get there.
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Alabama – Less Enlighted
than Florida!
One of the two possibly less
enlightened States than Florida is Alabama.
A judge there recently ruled that embryos created during the invitro
fertilization process (IVF) are ‘extrauterine children’ and legally protected
like any other child. Destroying such an
embryo could result in criminal charges.
As a result, IVF procedures are already ending in Alabama while their few remaining sane legislators are scrambling to remedy this crazy judge's decision.
The judge, Alabama Chief
Justice Tom Parker, wrote in an opinion attached to the ruling as follows: “In
summary, the theologically based view of the sanctity of life adopted by the
people of Alabama encompasses the following (1) God made every person in His
image; (2) each person therefore has a value that far exceeds the ability of
human beings to calculate; and (3) human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without
incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an
affront to Himself.”
guy presumes to know how the Creator views things! That is at best the kind of claptrap preached
at rural camp meetings under a tent on some cow pasture. Nobody has a clue as to how God ‘views’
things, including clergy, judges, journalists, or politicians.
Aside from Alabama's Chief Justice being unfit for office, as a denier of the First Amendment, this raises some interesting questions:
First, Until the 1960 election of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, no Roman Catholic had ever been elected to the presidency and only one, Al Smith in 1928, had even run. Politicians feared they would lose votes by nominating a candidate susceptible to the charge of potentially being under the domination of the Pope in Rome.
That kind of logic can lead to the point where Protestants are denied nominations by our major political parties, the way Catholics once were, because of the many among them representing theocratic ideas, opening the door to undemocratic Christian Nationalism domination of our government. Officials such as Alabama's Chief Justice and the Speaker of the House of Representatives come to mind. This won't happen, of course, but if Catholics can be discriminated against, why not Protestants? The parallel should be noted.
While still recognizing and honoring the role religion has
played in our history, we still must keep it out of government, including
judicial decisions made by courts. JFK’s
election proved this could be done and of course, the Founding Fathers knew it
from their parents’ and grandparents’ horrid experiences back in England in the
seventeenth century. Today’s Republicans
must learn to recognize this, even if it means removing 'under God' from the
Pledge to the Flag and getting rid of chaplains in legislative bodies.
Secondly, Could
that ‘wrath of a holy God’ to which Justice Parker refers be represented by the
Creator having visited upon us the person of Donald John Trump as our deserved punishment
for the deaths of those resulting from gun violence, poverty, and unjust wars
against other human beings, all of whom were also created ‘in his image.’
This jerk (I cannot come up
with a more polite way of describing Judge Tom Parker, the Chief Justice in
Alabama) should be put in a time machine, shipped back to the Inquisition, where
Torquemada might hire him to help burn people at the stake.
Anyone who is truly
religious and believes in an afterlife knows that on his demise, Judge Parker
will go to Hell, if there is such a place. Come to think of it, he may already be in
Purgatory, waiting for a boat ride across the River Styx to Hades, Purgatory
being the local waiting room of Satan’s realm, more commonly known to some as the
State of Alabama, a fact made obvious by those they elect to public office.
An inner voice says, ‘Enough,
* * *
Voting by Mail –
This is Very
Florida voters have gotten
used to voting by mail. It’s safe and simple. But just because you might have done it in the
past does not mean you can automatically continue to do so. Current State election laws require you to
renew your ‘voting by mail’ status before the next election in order to receive
a ‘vote by mail’ ballot.
If you vote in Palm Beach
County, do it right now by visiting or by clicking here For those
who do not want do it online, they can sign up for vote-by-mail by
calling (561) 656
6208. In other Florida
counties, visit the website of your Supervisor of Elections or call them.
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Housekeeping on Jackspotpourri
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Again, I urge you to forward this posting to anyone you think might benefit from reading it, particularly if they are a registered voter. This is an election year. Spread the word.
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