About Me

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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A "Pretty Lady," a Couple of Letters and Words from Eric


Eric Says ...

Florida’s 29 electoral votes may be the difference between victory and defeat in November.   Eric Trump, the President’s son, recently reassured voters that his father would concede if he were “blown out of the water” in the election.  I don't know if his dad agrees with him.  But Democrats should recognize that and make it happen, considerably reducing the likelihood of litigation by the Trumpublicans.

Lady in a Mask

Avoiding Cofid19
The full painting
by Botticelli

In the most recent posting, I included a brief item regarding a pandemic involving the spread of a new virus, the “Monumental Ignorance” which pervades our society.  Let me comment further on that ignorance.

Accompanying the piece was a picture of a young woman with flowing hair wearing a face mask.  Whomever made this used Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting, “The Birth of Venus” as the source of the woman’s face.  (Some refer to this painting as “Venus on the Half Shell.)  The fact that one of most famous faces ever painted, rivaling that of the Mona Lisa, was used to point up the need to wear masks was totally missed by whomever posted the picture on Google, where I found it, well illustrates this ignorance.  The label on the Google image simply was “Pretty lady with a mask.”  I am certain they never had heard of Botticelli and if they had, they probably thought it to be a designer label or a perfume.  Monumental ignorance! Somehow, this bothers me.




Two Letters 

The Palm Beach Post published my letter which appeared on this blog’s September 22 posting.  Here it is again:




“A recent letter writer (Mon. Sept. 21) urged that Senators Rubio and Scott stand up for millions of Florida children and support the House-approved Heroes Act.  In saying that “anyone with two eyes can see that to reopen safely, schools need resources right now,” the writer missed the fact that most Republican Senators, our two included, tightly close their eyes on entering the Senate Chamber, by order of their leader, Mitch McConnell.  It’s a wonder they don’t trip over the furniture there.”

And speaking of letters to the Post, here is one published today which says it all:

“Democrats should stop trying to play by rules that don’t exist.  We need to take the White House, Senate and House.  Make Washington D.C. a state.  Make Puerto Rico a state and add a couple of justices.  Time to get real and make real change.  Enough being ruled by the minority!  Republicans received far less votes overall than Democrats.  The president lost the popular vote.  Time for the   majority to take back the control of our government.”

I applaud the writer!  I agree with this letter and hope it brings out Democratic voters, although an overwhelmingly clear-cut victory for them might make that nuclear option (two more States and more Justices on the Supreme Court) not yet immediately necessary.  Eventually, yes, but not immediately. Those issue might confuse an already confusing galaxy of 2020 issues.


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