When people retire, they have the opportunity to do things they were too busy to try in their earlier life. A friend since the third grade back in Newark, Howard Silver practiced dentistry for over forty years, but when he retired, he turned his skills from dental procedures to paint brushes.
Here is his latest work, accepted for exhibition by a panel of prominent judges, to be part of an important art show here in South Florida.
Here is his latest work, accepted for exhibition by a panel of prominent judges, to be part of an important art show here in South Florida.
"Must Read" Columns by Gerson and Dowd
really great columns appeared last week.
I consider them to be mandatory reading.
The New York Times’ Maureen
Dowd wrote about our “national identity.”
She is pretty clear about what she doesn’t want it to be but
doesn’t come up with precisely what she wants it to be. And the Washington
Post’s Michael Gerson points out that the history and heritage of the Oval
Office deserves a better occupant than Donald Trump. But like Dowd,
Gerson fails to get to the core of the problem. Read Gerson’s article by CLICKING RIGHT HERE !
Gerson fails to get to the core of the problem. Read Gerson’s article by CLICKING RIGHT HERE !
couldn’t find a decent link to Maureen Dowd’s great article (without
subscribing to the Times), so I am
breaking one of the blog’s rules and including it. Don’t tell anybody. Here it is, and then, go back and check out
Michael Gerson’s words via the link provided.
By Maureen Dowd
Trump slipped into the Oval Office through a wormhole of confusion about the
American identity.
weren’t winning wars anymore. They just went on and on and on, with
inexplicable and deceptive aims and so many lives and limbs and trillions lost.
We couldn’t
believe in our institutions, with breaches of trust and displays of ineptitude.
We were
moving from a white-majority, male-dominated country and manufacturing base to
a multicultural, multilateral, globalized, PC, new energy, new technology
world, without taking account of the confusion and anger of older Americans who
felt like strangers in a strange land.
With the
Russians sowing confusion, Trump surfed those free-floating anxieties straight
to Pennsylvania Avenue.
And now,
we are finding out fast who we are and who we don’t want to be.
We don’t
want to countenance abusive behavior. And we certainly don’t want men like Rob
Porter who have punched, kicked, choked and terrorized their wives to be in the
president’s inner circle, helping decide which policies, including those that
affect women, get emphasized.
We don’t
want a president who bends over backward to give the benefit of the doubt to
neo-Nazis, wife beaters, pedophiles and sexual predators — or who is a sexual
predator himself. We don’t want a president who thinks #me is more important
than #metoo.
We don’t
want a president who flips the ordinary equation, out of some puerile sense of
grievance, to honor Russia and dishonor the FBI.
We don’t
want a president who believes that vile behavior is justified by a Vesuvial
stock market.
We don’t
want a president who is too shallow to read his daily intelligence report and
too obsessed with the deep state to deal fairly with our intelligence agencies.
We don’t
want a president who suggests that Democrats who don’t clap for him are
treasonous and who seems more enthralled by authoritarian ways than democratic
We don’t
want a president who promises an A-team but surrounds himself with dreckitude,
a president who vows to pass “the best” bills but then doesn’t care whether
he’s selling steak, wine, condos or garbage policies on matters of life and
death that he hasn’t even bothered to read.
We don’t
want a president who goes to military school but never leaves; who loves
generals but trashes Gold Star parents; who wants the sort of military parade
that we mock Kim Jong Un for.
We don’t
want a president who makes his version of make-believe real, and who looks with
favor on deceit, hypocrisy, conflict of interest and nepotism.
We don’t
want a president who merits a special prosecutor.
We don’t
want a president who treats the hallowed house where Abraham Lincoln once wrote
the nation’s most sacred texts as the set of a cheesy reality show.
We don’t
want a president who treats the presidency as just another personal business
We don’t
want a president who glides through the chaos he craves and conjures, while
everyone around him immolates and shivers.
finally, we surely don’t want a president who seeks advice on foreign affairs
from Henry Kissinger. Ever. Again.

real issue is why they did. Is it a
question of being poorly educated and perhaps gullibly susceptible to dishonest
campaign rhetoric? Is it because of a
loss of faith in our government’s historic institutions, as Michael Gerson
suggests? Is it because their primary attention has been conditioned to watch
professional sports, use our vast computer technology to gossip and to dabble
in “narishkeit” (a Yiddish word. Go look
it up)?
All the while China, and soon the rest of the countries in Asia, are “eating our lunch.” We’ve paid them enough for manufacturing our “stuff” with their cheap labor so that they have plenty of our money to invest in improving and rebuilding their formerly pathetic nations and in buying into our domestic economy with the financing we suddenly need. True, they are not so “democratic” as we are, but even though dissent there can often lead to disappearance or death, they are slowly marrying their tough communist regime to a more democratic brand of controlled capitalism. It seems to work better, at least for them, than the unregulated free-enterprise economy our government strives to maintain.
send their smartest to the United States for the superlative post-graduate
educational opportunities in our country while even their undergraduate college
students at home get a thorough scientific education, not diluted by the
distractions of the intercollegiate athletics, fraternities, sororities and
beer busts American education features.
looking in this direction to find out what’s wrong with the American identity,
Ms. Dowd. (I call it the “narishkeit”
factor.) And Mr. Gerson, I sentence you to watching Fox News exclusively for a
month. Then you will know why some Trump
supporters who believe “the idea of nobility in politics is a sham,” prefer
Donald J. Trump who, “in contrast, acts and talks like someone from the real
world.” (quotes from the Gerson article.)
Please read his article if you have not by now!
Guns and the Second Amendment
the rest of this article if you wish to, but here’s the bottom line, with which
to start off. No matter how many
millions, or even billions, are poured into mental health diagnosis, treatment
and care, and no matter how detailed background checks of those purchasing weapons might
be, there is no way of knowing which of the millions of Americans with grudges,
anger problems or even criminal intent will be the ones who will carry out the next
mass killing with an assault weapon.
Guns do not kill people unless there is someone to squeeze the trigger. Rather than seek out potential "trigger squeezers," a close to impossible task, the
sale of assault weapons must be banned immediately and assault weapons already in private hands turned in at local police stations, with the government offering a premium price to buy
them back for a limited period. After that, their possession should be made a felony, requiring a minimum sentence of two years. That’s the “bottom line” up front.
Here are some thoughts on the latest mass shooting: It's sad, but real gun reform legislation
is highly unlikely. It won’t happen despite
public outcry resulting from recent killings which might not have taken
place if there were stronger gun control laws. It won’t happen because of the gross
misinterpretation of the Second Amendment by the Supreme Court majority which
supported ignoring the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment as if they
never existed. (See the words of the
Second Amendment at the close of this article.)
Scalia, who wrote the opinion in District
of Columbia vs. Heller in 2008 is deceased but the other four justices who
voted for it are still on the court (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices
Kennedy, Thomas and Alito).
Were it not
for their action, there very well might be stronger local and State
gun control laws, even ones banning assault weapons, but that horrid decision weakened
the power of local and State governments to enact them. They may be Supreme
Court Justices, but I don’t think they’re very bright. I did submit a letter to the South Florida
Sun-Sentinel on this subject about the five men in black robes who are
complicit in the mass shootings carried out since 2008. I hope they publish it. Here is what I wrote;
addition to the mentally challenged young man who carried out the mass killing
at a high school in Parkland, culpability for this heinous crime must be shared
by Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justices Thomas, Alito and
Kennedy as well as the late Antonin Scalia, the Justice who wrote the Court’s
2008 decision in the D.C. vs. Heller case.
They formed the majority which made this decision which, followed by
lower court decisions, in effect eradicated the first thirteen words of the
Constitution’s Second Amendment, making it difficult if not impossible for
local governments to enact gun control legislation. They should be ashamed of themselves,\."
three recent mass killings which took place in Florida (Pulse nightclub in
Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale Airport baggage pick-up area, and now, Parkland high
school shooting) will probably spur Florida’s legislature into action. Because most of the Republican legislators
there fear the loss of the votes of gun-toting, pistol packing Floridians who
in their youth saw too many John Wayne movies, they are probably going to
propose “open carry” for all teachers and students over the age of ten as the
best measure to prevent future killings. That’s the way this legislature thinks. These dunces, mostly Republicans, think the Second Amendment gives
anyone the right to own a weapon, be it a hunting rifle or an assault weapon,
so long as it’s for self-defense, the misinterpretation created in District of Columbia vs. Heller.
real answer, and don’t expect the Democrats to support it either, since they
too know that gun advocates vote, is a repeal or a significant modification of
the Second Amendment so that assault weapons are banned. In any sane
country, weapons capable of mass killings, as opposed to weapons for home
protection, hunting or target shooting should be illegal. That’s the way they
do it in China where such mass shootings (other than by the government) are
rare. But don’t put these sentiments on
a bumper sticker on your car, unless you want it to be “keyed” and your tires
slashed. At least that is the way it is
in Florida.
if a state or any local government wanted to enact a law banning assault
weapons, the aforementioned Supreme Court decision would provide a formidable
obstacle along with the opposition of the nut-jobs who run the National Rifle
Association, so long as the ‘self-defense’ excuse provided by the Supreme Court exists.
As I see it, the best course of action today, while legislators on all levels pontificate and pray would be the
organized peaceful picketing of gun stores with signs reading “This store sells
assault weapons capable of mass killings!
If you want one, join the Army!” Now go back and re-read the "bottom line" up at the start of this article!
A few words about the Second
Amendment: To get the Constitution “passed” back in 1789,
several of the richer of the thirteen colonies had to be reassured that the new
Federal government would not prevent them from forming militias which required
recruiting armed citizens. They wanted this guarantee because the Federal
government lacked the resources to support a standing army (although they did
support a navy) for protective purposes such as dealing with ‘Indians’ or slave
rebellions in the new States and these States wanted the capability of doing it
themselves. To make that possible, they
wanted a guarantee that their citizens would always be allowed to have their own
weapons available when recruited into a State militia. Some also feared that the Federal government
would be less likely to encroach upon the rights of the new States if those
States possessed armed militias.
James Madison and George Mason came up with the Second Amendment to solve that problem and that is how the Second Amendment came to be. It read, and continues to read (despite the its misinterpretation by the Supreme Court in 2008) as follows:
James Madison and George Mason came up with the Second Amendment to solve that problem and that is how the Second Amendment came to be. It read, and continues to read (despite the its misinterpretation by the Supreme Court in 2008) as follows:
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
right of the people to bear arms in situations other than that described
by the Second Amendment’s first thirteen words was never in the minds of
those who wrote the Constitution and its accompanying Bill of Rights. Eventually the horrid decision which
legalized the emasculation of the Second Amendment, ignoring its first thirteen
words, will be modified, but probably only after a few more mass killings made
possible by the decision of those five men in black robes who formed the
majority in District of Columbia vs
Heller back in 2008.
Fortunately, Justice
Scalia’s 2008 opinion did strongly imply that there were indeed limits as to what
the Second Amendment would allow in terms of gun ownership. Short of reverting to the real intent of the
Second Amendment, the Court must quickly define those limits at the earliest
opportunity, and assault weapons would be a good place to start.
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