Is Democracy at Fault
Usually, the “bottom line” appears at the end of a lengthy
article. Today I will start off with the
“bottom line.” Everything
that is wrong with Donald Trump doesn’t matter.
His 33% approval rating doesn’t matter.
The Republicans can tolerate that.
If he is impeached or chooses not to run in 2020, they will be relieved
because his logical replacement, Mike Pence,
has far less troublesome baggage
dragging along with him. The important
thing, the “bottom line,” is that the Republican majorities in both Houses of
Congress, because of the gullible voters who supported “super-salesman” Trump
at the ballot box, have been able work toward “deconstructing” half a century of American
progress and start building a program in all three branches of our government to benefit some corporations and most importantly, the very, very, very wealthy
who fund their campaigns, people I sometimes refer to as “almost-anarchists.” That’s the
“bottom line” and it makes me sick. We are headed back to 1932, before FDR was elected.
But here goes with what I have to say today:

But here goes with what I have to say today:

J. Trump is what he is, just as all of us are what we are. That cannot be helped. All we can do is to try to do our best, given
the skills and abilities we have.
President is a super-salesman and as do all super-salesmen, he believes
fervently in himself and what he is selling. Such sales people often do this to
the point where they no longer recognize the difference between veracity and
hyperbole. Sometimes they become so involved in their “pitch” that they do not
even have a full understanding of what it is they are selling. This is par for
the course with some crackerjack salespeople; I think any of us who have bought an automobile or
a home understand this, and accept it.
is it acceptable when that salesman is our head of State and continues to lead
a life punctuated by hyperbole, often walking the tightrope between truth and
downright lying? As great a salesman as Donald
Trump is, his skill set as a promoter and salesman lacks the attributes needed
for the job he now holds. He is not promoting a real estate development,
running a beauty pageant nor appearing on a “reality” TV program. He is the President of the United States,
making him responsible to and for the entire nation, where he gets no points
for hyperbole and cannot get away with half-truths.
How did it come to pass, then, that Trump ended up in the White House? Where does the blame lay for putting an incompetent in the White House and thereby endangering the future of the nation?
How did it come to pass, then, that Trump ended up in the White House? Where does the blame lay for putting an incompetent in the White House and thereby endangering the future of the nation?
Some of it should be placed on the “almost-anarchists” in the
Republican Party who believe in as little government as possible. Grover Norquist for years advocated "drowning government in a bathtub."
They concede the need for armed forces to defend the country and some sort of revenue to support them, but see little need for government to do anything else. Many of these people were raised on a diet of Ayn Rand’s phony libertarian political theories.
They concede the need for armed forces to defend the country and some sort of revenue to support them, but see little need for government to do anything else. Many of these people were raised on a diet of Ayn Rand’s phony libertarian political theories.

The bulk of the blame for Trump, however, rests on the American
people who repeatedly elect candidates whose positions on issues are usually counter to measures which would benefit them!
This blame rests upon the gullibility and ignorance of the
American voter who voted for Trump and the Republicans, and there are about 62
million of them.
To better understand this, one must watch Fox News, particularly when they interview Trump voters, some of whom still walk around with those silly red “Make America Great” hats. These people epitomize ignorance and gullibility, have been terribly used, and are more to be pitied than scorned. The "evangelicals" among them who seem to ignore their religion's teachings when they vote are the most naive of Trump's supporters. (Only when they go to meet their Maker will they become aware of the errors of their ways.) Watch Fox News for a while and learn from what the nation is suffering.
To better understand this, one must watch Fox News, particularly when they interview Trump voters, some of whom still walk around with those silly red “Make America Great” hats. These people epitomize ignorance and gullibility, have been terribly used, and are more to be pitied than scorned. The "evangelicals" among them who seem to ignore their religion's teachings when they vote are the most naive of Trump's supporters. (Only when they go to meet their Maker will they become aware of the errors of their ways.) Watch Fox News for a while and learn from what the nation is suffering.
getting back to where this piece started, the problem is not Donald Trump. He is merely the
result of the malfunctioning of the workings of democracy in our republic.
Two things essential to the successful operation of a democracy are (1) an unfettered, objective and most
importantly, an honest free press and (2) an educated electorate. Stretching
the definition of “a free press” to include all media, printed or electronic, one
might conclude that we no longer have such an institution. There is a lot which passes for part of a
“free press” which is totally lacking in credibility. Calling "truth" fake news and reporting "lies" in the guise of truth has compromised the role of a free press.
same goes for an educated electorate. Education
at all levels in this country has deteriorated precipitously. We pay teachers poorly. Public schools are becoming secondary to opinionated private institutions and home schooling. Real literacy and
knowledge of who we are and what our country is all about are no longer prime goals of eduction. While technology is important, it should not be
emphasized at the expense of liberal arts, including the social sciences. Those who are ignorant of history, it has
been said, are doomed to relive it. And
Americans are woefully deficient in their knowledge of history as well as
needing a lesson in what used to be called “civics.”
Thus, lacking a credible free media and a well educated electorate, it
appears that democracy can no longer work effectively in the United States.
The presence of Republicans majorities in Congress, and Donald Trump in
the White House prove the case. The people put them
there even though their programs were not in their own interest! The people supported candidates who are philosophically dedicated to the “deconstruction” of our government for the
benefit of the “almost-anarchists” who want, for the sake of preserving their
wealth, to be free from the yoke of government. Sounds stupid, but millions of American voters see it that way.
because they were elected democratically, it must
be that it is “democracy” which is at fault.
The United States embarked upon a great experiment in democracy in 1789 and since then, it has worked pretty well. Right now it is sputtering and it is up to us to fix whatever is wrong. Us.... that means you and me.
The United States embarked upon a great experiment in democracy in 1789 and since then, it has worked pretty well. Right now it is sputtering and it is up to us to fix whatever is wrong. Us.... that means you and me.
here are two brief recommendations to help
you in this task. First, watch “Morning
Joe” (MSNBC) for thirty minutes any morning you choose. Then switch to Fox News (FNCHD) for a like
amount of time to watch “Fox and Friends.”
The comparison will be a great learning experience. And if it is too late in the day to watch
these early morning programs, check out a recent E.J. Dionne column pointing out what is happening to our government by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. And now, go back to the top of this article to
read “the bottom line” for this article.
Addendum: So eventually we may impeach him, or he will resign to avoid impeachment. If that happens, it will be to the great
relief of the Republican Party which has been ashamed of him since the day he
took office. But as I have said above,
it won’t matter. The forces of darkness have been given control the Supreme Court for the next few decades and for the time being,
evil-doers will control both Houses of Congress as well. The currently pending tax reform bill, a givaway to the wealthy, proves this. The only thing we can do about it is bend
every effort to help Democrats wrest seats in the Senate and in the House from
the Republicans in 2018 and 2020. Because of
state-controlled gerrymandering, that will be a daunting task insofar as the
House is concerned. Democrats must take
over State legislatures as well to remedy this.
In view of the enormous amounts of “dark money” (please read the book with that title by Jane Mayer) that is available to the evil-doers, these tasks will not be
accomplished in my lifetime.
The future
Jack Lippman
Jack Lippman
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Jack Lippman
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