Thoughts on Dallas
We mourn the deaths of the police officers slain in Dallas
just as we mourn the deaths of the victims of police officers sometimes too
ready to use firearms in situations where such force is not warranted.
In the United Kingdom, there are proportionately far fewer
shootings by law enforcement officers than there are in the United States
because that nation does not possess the infatuation with weapons present
here. A police officer here making a
routine traffic stop always considers the likelihood that the person he is
approaching may be armed, considering the unbelievable number of weapons,
licensed and unlicensed, out there, particularly in states where openly carrying
arms is legal. A suspicious move is more
likely to put the officer in fear of his life and provoke him into violent action than
it would be in a less “armed” society.
Add to this the fact that because of historic economic
inequalities stemming from slavery (from which we are only 151 years removed), residential
and educational segregation and still-existing prejudices, the necessity for
law enforcement intervention in predominantly Black and other minority areas is
greater than elsewhere. Hence when police
officers go into action in such areas, the tripwires which result in violent,
and perhaps unnecessary, action on their part are stretched even more tightly.
And when such things happen, there is a “multiplier” effect. Protests take place, peaceful and otherwise,
resulting in further confrontation involving law enforcement. When anger becomes so blind that it overwhelms
reason, we have a tragedy such as that which occurred in Dallas.
The entire nation, people of all races and religions, on all
economic levels, and of course, all law enforcement agencies, must work to solve all aspects of this problem. Reducing the economic inequalities mentioned
above will take a long time. It has been
a “work-in-progress” for a century and a half and will continue to be
such. Reducing the number of guns in
this country, however, is a challenge which can, and must, be met. (This logic can also be applied to dealing with domestic terrorism, the causes of which also will take years to resolve ... but a reduction in the availability of weapons would help us there too, at least to some extent.) Read on.
Jack Lippman
The Second Amendment to
the United States Constitution
Reads as follows: "A well
regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
the lobby of the NRA Headquarters Building in Fairfax, VA, the final fourteen
words of the Second Amendment are exhibited on the wall. It’s as if the first thirteen words of the
Second Amendment did not exist. (Imagine a group which opposed equality of the
sexes misquoting the Bible’s Fifth Commandment as “Honor Thy Father”
eliminating any reference to one’s mother.
This is what the NRA has done to the Second Amendment.)
In the lobby of the NRA Building
first thirteen words of the Amendment were pertinent from its inception until
a politicized Supreme Court chose to ignore them in D.C. vs. Heller in 2008. Up to then, the right to bear arms was taken
to mean that back in the days when the government could call up civilians to serve
in militias telling them to bring their own guns, there should be no
impediments to gun ownership. In 1789
those first thirteen words made sense.
But nowadays we have a regular army.
We didn’t then. So while those
first thirteen words are no longer important, it doesn’t mean that the second
fourteen words can be taken to stand alone in regard to freedom to bear arms,
and that States and municipalities cannot regulate weaponry, if they choose to,
without violating the Second Amendment.
But that is what the Supreme Court said in 2008.
popular cartoonist characterized the Court’s 2008 decision as follows:
The role of the NRA in shaping public opinion and
supporting legislators who support this misreading of the Second Amendment will
be viewed by history as a dark time in American history. Its constant opposition to any kind of gun
control legislation has contributed to making weapons available to those with
mental disorders and with evil intent, including terrorists. Anyone who really wants to secure a weapon
can always do so, but the NRA (and the Supreme Court decision in 2008) makes it
much easier. Opponents of gun control
measures look to the misinterpreted
Second Amendment as a protector of “due process” for gun purchasers.
The “Father of our Country,” George Washington, had his
own thoughts on gun ownership. He
strongly implied that owning guns was important not only for use if called up
to serve in a militia, but to use if our own government became oppressive.
This kind of thinking is held by many today who oppose
certain things our government may do.
That’s why there are extremists training in the woods bent on taking the
law into their own hands with the aid of their weapons! In the United States in 2016, however,
opposition to the government should be voiced in the voting booth, and not with
a gun, regardless of what George Washington may have said. But don’t tell this to the NRA, nor to those of
its members who fear that gun control regulation, on a local basis, will be the
first step toward trying “to take their
guns away” if the Second Amendment is ever again interpreted the way it was
written, and intended, until 2008. And
they feel their opposition to gun control is justified by the words of George
Well, George was wrong! This is why it is very important to elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate in 2016. The "Right" chose to play politics with the High Court ... and now it will be the "Left's" (and the "Center's") turn. George was wrong.
Well, George was wrong! This is why it is very important to elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate in 2016. The "Right" chose to play politics with the High Court ... and now it will be the "Left's" (and the "Center's") turn. George was wrong.

Trumpocalypse, Cosmopolitans and Nativists
In a recent column about the forthcoming Presidential election, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman quite accurately describes the mission of the Republican Party as follows: " To put it bluntly, the modern Republican Party is in essence a machine designed to deliver high after-tax incomes to the 1 percent. Look at Mr. Ryan: Has he ever shown any willingness, for any reason, to make the rich pay so much as a dime more in taxes? Comforting the very comfortable is what it’s all about."
And then he goes on to bash those whose actions resulted in a candidate he feels will lead to the party's "Trumpocalypse." Well, while I agree with most of Krugman's thoughts, I am not so certain as he seems to be that Trump will lead to the G.O.P.'s demise. I used to think that, but remember, many an election has been lost by a candidate, or a party, overestimating the intelligence of the voter.
Read Krugman's column by clicking here!
And in this vein, recent columns by various pundits have seen this election as one not between Republicans and Democrats, but rather one between Cosmopolitans and Nativists. Well, the Nativists won in the United Kingdom and I wonder how many unemployed or underemployed Cosmopolitans there are in the rust belt states sipping their lattes, reading the Economist, watching public television and priding themselves on how globalization has made New York City, Paris, London and Rome so wonderously similar. Not many.
Here’s a new short story introducing a new “character,”
Chrissy Frost, once a top pop singer but now in the twilight, if not the
sunset, of her career. Enjoy this story, and look for the further
adventures of Chrissy Frost in coming months.
Blue Water and Wind-Tossed Palm Trees
Jack Lippman
Crissy Frost
leaned back and fussed with her hair as Herman, her agent, played with some
papers on his desk before he spoke.
“Ya gotta face it,
Cris, you’re not getting any younger. Seventy-seven is no longer a spring
chicken. You know what things are like on Broadway, off-Broadway, in the
sticks, in the clubs, in the rooms at the hotels. Lotsa young
talent coming along. There just ain’t much around for you anymore.”
“Come on, Herm, I
got three gold records hanging in my living room. And you know the album
I made with Sinatra is still selling.”
“That’s the
problem, Cris. Nobody buys albums anymore except collectors. Records,
cassettes, even CDs are all history. It’s all streaming now on the
internet, ITunes, Spotify, that’s where it’s at today, and that’s where you
ain’t. Like those albums of yours, you don’t want to be a collector’s
item, do you? Have you ever considered that maybe it’s time to hang it
Crissy started to
cry. As she wiped her tears with the tissue Herman handed her, her eye
caught the big picture hanging on the side wall of the office. Sand,
surf, blue water, wind-tossed palm trees, azure skies, beckoning white towers
surveying it all.
Herman paused and
saw that Crissy was staring at a poster from the Miami Tourism Bureau which he
had framed and hung up to cover a crack in the plaster on the wall. He
looked hard at her and spoke out.
“That’s Florida,
Cris. Would you consider?”
“What can you get
for me down there, Herm? I hear they’re selling out in Miami, Lauderdale
and even West Palm. That true?”
“You know, Cris,
that might actually work for you. A lot of performers are down there who
would be working the Catskills if the hotels there hadn’t folded. I
think I can find some nice slots for you, but you can’t use that walker. I
think a cane would be okay, but no walker.”
Crissy perked up,
smiling for the first time during the meeting.
“Now you’re
cooking, Herman, baby! The word is that there’s some nice venues down
there too. I don’t need those big sports arenas, like the Garden, but I’d
love it if you could book me into the Arscht, the Broward or even the Kravis.
I hear they’re great, almost like the big New York halls.”
“Actually, Cris,”
the agent replied, “I was thinking more of places like a couple of the Century
Villages or maybe Kings Point. And there’s some really nice venues in
some of the fancy gated communities.”
“You mean the
over-55 places, like where my dead brother’s wife lives in down in Boynton?
You want to put me on the condo circuit, Herm? Me, with five gold
records! Really?”
“Three, Cris,
Three. Think about it and give me a call when you make up your mind. I got some connections down there.”
As she shuffled
out of the office, Crissy took one last look at that picture on the wall.
Sand, surf, blue water, wind-tossed palm trees, azure skies and beckoning white
towers. Once downstairs on the sidewalk, she found herself in the midst
of a bone-chilling gray 20 degree afternoon typical of January in New York,
complete with some dirty slush at the curbside. She called Herman back as
soon as she got home.
The “showcases,”
events where performers looking for bookings on the South Florida condo circuit
display their talents, weren’t too bad, something like what a slave market must
have been like before the Civil War but without the chains. In fact,
Crissy picked up a dozen dates which would earn her about ninety thousand after
she paid for a lighting tech, a sound man and the combo to accompany her.
A place to live was no problem since she would move in with her sister-in-law
in Boynton.
“You know, Cris,”
one of the other performers said to her one evening before she went on, “This
is a hell of a lot better than the cruise ships. On them, you can get
seasick, and when you get depressed with where your career is ending up, you
might even be tempted to jump overboard. Happens. But all you can
do here is fall off of the stage.”
“Won’t happen to
me,” she replied. They’re even letting me use my walker tonight! The
Stage Manager says it seems to bond with the audience, and takes their mind off
what’s happened to my voice.”
She smiled, winked
her eye, and pushed her walker out into the spotlight to a thunderous round of
applause as the emcee’s deep baritone voice intoned, as if he were officiating
at a wrestling match, “Miss Criss-eeeeeeeee Frost!
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Jack Lippman
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