Why I Will Not Buy a Hyundai nor a Kia
Here is a brief quote from the Congressional Research Service’s 1-16-14
report entitled “The
U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Provisions and
Implementation” This was passed by Congress in 2011 and passed by the
South Korean legislature in 2012. While it
contains advantages for both South Korea and the United States, the objectives
of both countries differ. South Korea
would like to integrate components manufactured in North Korea which they include
in South Korean products which fall under the treaty. The United States opposes this. Note the ambiguity in
the following language taken from the Congressional Research Service’s report.
“Another criticism of the KORUS FTA was
that it could constrain the United States’ ability to restrict imports of North
Korean goods or components, for instance, by invoking the agreement’s dispute
settlement procedures to challenge a U.S. decision to prohibit the entry of a
South Korean product that contains North Korean components. However, provisions in the KORUS-FTA will appear to
allow either the United States or South Korea to impose or maintain trade
restrictions against the goods of a third country (such as North Korea); thus
the agreement will accord each Party the right to restrict trade with the other
Party in implementing any such embargo.
In the KORUS FTA negotiations, the
United States backed away from the principle of its initial position of not
ever expanding the KORUS FTA to North Korea-made products, a significant
achievement for South Korea. At the same
time, the United States appeared to give up little in substance in the
near-to-middle term. The United States apparently would be able to control the
decision to and pace of any move to grant preferential treatment to North
Korea-made products. Any
perceptions of foot-dragging by the United States, however, may come at a
diplomatic price if future South Korean governments push for more rapid
integration of North Korean industrial zones into the FTA.”
The manufacturing in the North Korean industrial zones referred to above
takes place in the Kasong Industrial Complex, in North Korea just across the
border. Many South Korean plants operate
there, paying the North Korean government which in turn pays the workers there
at probably the lowest wage rates in Asia.
The South Korean Hyundai conglomerate, which includes its subsidiary
companies manufacturing Hyundai and Kia automobiles, manages and operates the
North Korean Kasong Industrial Complex. (It usually shuts down during periods
of tension between the two Koreas, but invariably reopens shortly thereafter.) There are plants there making components for
automobiles. Whether these parts find
their way into Hyundais and Kias sold in the United States is uncertain, but
even if they are used only in vehicles sold elsewhere, they affect the
profitability of Hyundai and Kia and the pricing of their products.
The family which founded the Hyundai group of
companies has North Korean origins. In fact, their Chairperson was an honored guest at the
funeral of the present North Korean President’s father, Kim Jong Il back in 2011. Companies in the Hyundai group were also
influential in building the railroad system in North Korea. For these reasons, as well as ambiguities in
the report cited above, I will not purchase a Hyundai
nor a Kia vehicle and I consider it to be an unpatriotic act on the part of
those who do, at least so long as the nuclear-armed North Korean government remains
belligerent toward the United States.
Jack Lippman

Political Notes
Okay, so I was wrong
when I suggested that the Republicans cancel their convention a few weeks
ago. They will have it, and they will
either nominate someone other than Donald Trump, who will then decide to run as
a third party candidate, or they will give him the nomination, and other
Republicans, the ones with more than half a brain, will run their own third
party candidate. The outcome, however,
will be the same as I had predicted.
It will result in
the same scenario I postulated a few weeks ago.
Neither Trump nor the Republican Mainstream candidate nor the Democratic
candidate will get the requisite 270 electoral votes needed to become
President. The decision will then be
made by the House of Representatives with one vote per state. Since a majority of state delegations are
Republican controlled, they will vote in a Republican President, probably the
Mainstream candidate. My guess is that
it will probably be either Paul Ryan or John Kasich.
The only way the Democrats can elect Hillary Clinton (or a surging Bernie Sanders) would be to keep the election out of the House, and that, in a three party race, will take a truly massive voter turnout.
The only way the Democrats can elect Hillary Clinton (or a surging Bernie Sanders) would be to keep the election out of the House, and that, in a three party race, will take a truly massive voter turnout.
Kasich or Ryan?
(I saw a bumper
sticker the other day reading “Those who ignore the lessons of history are
doomed to vote Republican.” The car had
Arkansas plates, no less. Governor
Huckabee wasn’t driving.)
“Blind Guy”
Jack Lippman
“I’m going to disappoint you.
But you knew that already.”
“Was it really that bad?”
“No, No, it’s a great script,” but no one will ever produce it,” he
replied. “I love your idea of this blind
guy who works in a bank and manages to stop a robbery because of the way his
other senses have become sharpened to a level those with sight don’t
possess. But the way you’ve written it,
it won’t work”
“I’m just telling it from the blind man’s perspective, what’s wrong
with that?” I asked.
“That’s what wrong with it. You
can’t expect people to pay to see a movie where the screen is totally black for
85 minutes.”
“Actually, it’s not black. It’s blank.
There’s a difference. But that’s
the way the blind guy sees what is happening.
Or more correctly, doesn’t see what is happening. But he does hear sounds that no one else in
the bank picks up, and he smells things others don’t smell, and he picks up
movements taking place there that don’t register with anyone else. So it doesn’t mean a thing that he can’t
see. All of his other senses are working
overtime to make up for that and that’s what the film it about. The blank screen just accentuates that.”
I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere with him and gathered my papers up and
made it clear I was about to get up and leave.
“Joe, stick around a little longer. If I approved pumping out a few
million to start funding this property, the studio would have my head. But if you rewrote it so that at least some
of the story is told by people with sight, so it would look like a real movie
with scenes and everything, we might give it a shot. But we can’t live with a black screen.”
“Blank, not black, but anyway, I won’t compromise,” I answered. “We’ve
tested it out over at the film school and when we hooked up the spray nozzles
misting out what the blind guy smells, juiced up the sound track so it’s like
the way he hears things, and got the air moving across the screening room, the
kids went wild.”
“Okay, okay, Joe.” I understand where you’re coming from, and the
studio just can’t go there. But
something just hit me. Listen for a
With nowhere to go, I sat back and listened.
“Joe, there’s this screwball billionaire lives down in the Baja. Made his money in software up in Palo
Alto. I hear he has thrown money at
ideas a lot wackier than yours. He just
might like the idea of a full length movie with a blank screen. Here’s his
private email address. Just mention my
name if you contact him. He’s had some
dealings with the studio and he knows me.”
I thanked him and left. The next
day, I got to the billionaire who was intrigued with my idea and told me to fly
down to Cabo so we could talk. He
wouldn’t fund the whole thing himself, but he thought he might get some of his
friends from Dubai and San Paulo to join with him.
“You know, Joe,” he said. “The idea of a theatre full of people paying
to look at a blank screen for 85 minutes fascinates me. Probably a lot better than most of the crap
they pay to watch every day.”
“Hold on, it’s not just a blank screen, there’s voices, sounds, smells
and air moving around.”
“Yeah, I know, but all that stuff doesn’t really matter. It’s the idea of getting customers to shell
out twelve bucks to look at a blank screen for over an hour. That’s what will
bring them into the theaters. I swear,
all of the late night hosts will be fighting over getting you first.”
Well, you know the story. “Blind
Guy” was one of the nominees for Best Picture at this year’s Academy
Awards. What really gets me is it
actually won Oscars for Best Film Editing and for Best Achievement by a
Cinematographer, quite an accomplishment for 85 minutes of a blank screen.
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Jack Lippman
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