About Me

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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Gun Violence Pledge For You to Consider


The American Voter’s Gun Violence Pledge

Of the three things which would reduce gun violence in this country, two are long term approaches which will take years, if not generations, to make happen.  These are (1) increased funding for mental health, and (2) a change in the mindset which puts violence and the use of weapons in a favorable light.

In addition to those who are recognized as having mental problems, there are many people with such problems in this country who are untreated and undiagnosed. Some problems are not even recognized by those who are close to those who have them.  Additional resources must be devoted to mental health issues, and ultimately, to the conditions, physical and environmental, which bring them about.

The culture of violence which is promulgated by various media including films, television and video games as well as the idea that it is heroic, or even patriotic,  for an individual to resort to violence to solve problems must be changed.

Because making these changes in these two areas is a very long-term if not impossible task, we must focus on the third approach to reduce gun violence, and that is the legal or regulatory avenue which will limit the availability of guns.  To do this, pressure must be brought on our lawmakers.  With that in mind, I offer the following pledge, which might mobilize the millions of Americans who abhor gun violence, as a possible solution. 

I suggest it be copied, signed and sent to everyone in public office representing you, and any candidates running for such office in your locale.   As explained below, I have already done so.

                                                        *   *   *   *  *

I pledge not to vote for any candidate in any election, statewide or national, primary or general, who will not agree to the following:

  1. Support of gun control legislation.

  1. Opposition to the National Rifle Association, and similar organizations such as those advocating "open carry," in every way possible.

  1. Support of national candidates who will appoint and confirm Supreme Court Justices who will properly interpret the Second Amendment in the manner its writers intended, which was to apply to state militia personnel, and not to the individual, personal right to keep and bear arms.

  1. Working toward changing the language of the Second Amendment so that it reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms when serving in the Militia shall not be infringed.” This is the language suggested by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in recent book he has written.  The proposed change only involves the addition of the words highlighted in yellow.   
                              Signed  __________________________________________

                           *   *   *   *  *

A Washington Post Article regarding Justice Stevens' book can be found at 

It should be noted that throughout American History, the Second Amendment always has been understood to exist in support of "a well regulated militia" and not a justification for  the unrestricted bearing of arms in other circumstances.  This was all changed after 219 years by the Heller decision in 2008, made by a politicized Supreme Court.   It is only a matter of time until that decision will be reversed.

How many more times must we see announcements like this on TV?           


To show that I am "putting my money where my mouth is," I have sent copies of the pledge I have signed, asking whether they concur, to my Congressman, the two Congressmen contesting the Democratic Senatorial nomination here in Florida and the two leading candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination. (Failure to receive an appropriate reply from Senator Sanders will result in my withdrawal of support for him.)  Of course, I have not sent copies of the pledge to any Republicans because that would be a waste of both paper and postage.  I will report the result of my mailings on this blog periodically.                   

If voters follow through on this pledge by getting those running for office and those they have already elected to affirm that they subscribe to it and agree to follow up on its four points, a great step forward will have been taken in curbing gun violence. 

This may be is the only way to counter the millions of voters who for one reason or another would never sign such a pledge and continue to support and elect officials who for years have done nothing to resolve this problem, and consequently aid and abet gun violence, and must share in the blame for the tragedies it causes.  Remember, senseless gun violence has killed more people in the United States than has terrorism!
Jack Lippman


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We are an international head-hunter agency, currently involved in seeking out candidates for two highly paid positions at the highest level of government management.  Briefly, the job description involves stepping on the human rights of individuals, developing your own code of justice, committing acts of violence including torture, imprisonment, execution and murder in order to accomplish your governmental objectives.  Military experience a plus!  One position is available immediately and the second will probably be available within the next year or so.  Although the published job title for these positions is “dictator,” the job holder may assume whatever title he wishes once he is on the job.  Both positions are in areas with delightful sub-tropical climates including palm trees, etc..

Those interested in applying for either of these positions should indicate their preference by included the following codes when submitting their resume:  Lib. or Syr.

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Jack Lippman 


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