More on Obamacare
Supplementing the last posting’s comments (go back and read it!) on technology and the Affordable Care Act, I think I must make it clear that the reason some employers were dropping group coverages and insurance companies were either cancelling or raising the premium on existing individual health insurance policies was that these policies did not meet some of the minimum standards called for by the Act.
Cancelled Policies Didn't Meet ACA's Minimum Standards
Supplementing the last posting’s comments (go back and read it!) on technology and the Affordable Care Act, I think I must make it clear that the reason some employers were dropping group coverages and insurance companies were either cancelling or raising the premium on existing individual health insurance policies was that these policies did not meet some of the minimum standards called for by the Act.
alternative to cancelling such cut-rate cheap policies was to increase their premiums so that they
were properly priced to provide at least the minimum coverage the ACA requires. For example, an individual or
employer-provided policy which doesn’t include paying for mammograms would have
to be higher priced to provide that benefit as called for in the Act.
real question which the government faced was whether insurance companies should
be allowed to keep these less expensive policies not meeting ACA’s minimum
standards in effect. Other than for a
few “grandfathered” exceptions, the Act didn’t allow policies not meeting
certain minimum standards to remain in effect, and that is why premium
increases and cancellations occurred.
President has indicated that the Administration is willing to postpone this
provision for one year for the benefit of about twelve million policyholders,
letting them keep coverage greatly inferior to what the ACA would enable them
to get, sometimes at a higher cost, (1) subject to their insurance companies
agreeing to do so (insurance companies frequently change benefits and rates on
these products anyway) and clearly advising policyholders of exactly what their
policies will not cover, as well as (2) the concurrence of the state
insurance departments which regulate such policies. Doing so, unfortunately, opens the door to
other changes and the Republicans in Congress are poised to crowd through that
door with more changes.
When the President initially said that individuals would be allowed
to keep their policies, he ought to have gone on to say that they could do so if
the policies were at least as good as what would be available to them through
the Affordable Care Act. He didn’t add
that those with inferior, substandard, but cheaper policies, but who were
not poor enough to qualify for Federal subsidies to purchase a better policy
through the Act, would be faced with cancellation letters from their insurance companies because under the ACA, such
bare-bones health insurance policies, the kind that provide inferior coverage
and exclude a lot of things, would not be permitted.
Folks waiting in ER for care may actually have insurance, but high deductibles and exclusions may prevent them from going to see a physician independently. The ACA remedies some of these practices.
Folks waiting in ER for care may actually have insurance, but high deductibles and exclusions may prevent them from going to see a physician independently. The ACA remedies some of these practices.
This overlooked the fact that many people
could not afford to purchase more than these inferior products in the first
place and were content with them, particularly since “real” insurance at that
time, as well as that now being made available via the ACA, would probably cost
them more. These
policies’ high deductibles and limited benefits are wonderful so long as an
insured remains healthy, but do a poor job when there are real bills to be
from the now-apparent difficulty in developing a technology capable of handling
the Affordable Care Act in coordination with the other government systems and
private insurance company systems connected to it, the Act seems to be faced
with enormous challenges, one of which is informing the public of the many
kinds of choices available to them from private companies and whom to contact
to learn about them, since health insurance is not a product one buys online,
despite the government’s misguided belief that it is. It is clear to me
that sooner or later, the Affordable Care Act will be replaced with a single
payer system similar to traditional Medicare, which except for
supplementary coverage to cover “gaps,” will treat everyone in the country
equally and not involve private insurance companies.
A radical idea? No! Even right wing seniors are satisfied
with Medicare!
is the way it works everywhere else in the world. It would work well here too once we get over
our infatuation with the private insurance company system for health insurance. Until *then,
we will have to try to make the Affordable Care Act, with all of its warts,
work. The number of uninsured people in our country and the number of bankruptcies caused by medical bills are proof enough that our present health care delivery system, the most expensive in the world, isn't working.
”then” may be defined as that point in the
future when there is a Democratic President in the White House, solid
Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and a majority of
Justices on the Supreme Court appointed by Democratic Presidents.
Jack Lippman

Sid's Corner
Sid's Corner
Sid Bolotin
“Hey, Gramps, could you help me with my project? This is my last
semester for getting my master’s degree in social work. The course is on death
and dying, and I have to explore what people in hospice might talk about. I
know that you volunteered at a hospice care center for a few years and talked
with many patients. Could you share some of those conversations … not naming
names, of course?”
I looked fondly at my granddaughter with awe at what path she had
chosen for herself. She had been interning at a halfway house for single women
and was now interning at a high school in Boston.
“Of course I can. The topics varied because they were free-form, and
based on a patient’s age, degree of decline, and choice of subject. Do you
require a particular scenario, or do I search my memory at random?”
“What ever comes to mind, gramps.”
“Well, one chap, Carl, comes quickly to mind because at the time he was
eighty like I am now. He told me that more and more he was replaying events and
feelings from his early life...going back sometimes to his infancy. He said
that these reveries could be triggered by a book, a movie, or an experience that
one of his progeny was going through.”
“Oh, that sounds perfect,” my granddaughter gushed. “What did he tell
“What comes up immediately is his reading of a series of crime novels
that featured a detective in the LAPD with whom he strongly identified because
the author imbued the detective with attributes that resonated with Carl.
Primarily, the persona of being a white knight bringing the bad guys to justice
reminded him of his enchantment with the Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet whom
he listened to on the radio long before television came to be a household
The Green Hornet and Kato bringing bad guys to justice
Furthermore the detective’s tortured childhood … father’s abandonment, prostitute mother murdered, foster care, and juvenile detention fanned the flames of Carl’s psyche. He even confided in me his memory of lying in his crib at three and vowing to gather an army of animals a la Tarzan of the Apes to seek out and punish all the bad people in the world.
Furthermore the detective’s tortured childhood … father’s abandonment, prostitute mother murdered, foster care, and juvenile detention fanned the flames of Carl’s psyche. He even confided in me his memory of lying in his crib at three and vowing to gather an army of animals a la Tarzan of the Apes to seek out and punish all the bad people in the world.
He also told me that he delighted in the author’s infusing his hero
with an interest in the philosophical question of whether or not there is evil,
the Darkness, in the world or just people doing evil deeds. Carl was avidly
interested in philosophy and particularly enjoyed the dialogue created between
the detective and other characters in the books.”
“Wow, that’s fabulous!” my granddaughter virtually shouted. “I love it!
Are the other conversations like that?”
“No, my lovely one, they’re all over the map. Some focus on a patient’s
wish to discuss the immediate experience of knowing that life is coming to an
end as we know it…a tad heavier than what I just related. We can hold the
heaviness for another time. Let’s see your professor’s reaction to Carl’s
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Jack Lippman
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