Why Republicans "Obstruct"
obstructionists in the House of Representatives and the Senate feel it is their
obligation to attack the President at every opportunity. After all, they feel that the Presidency is
rightfully a Republican position, and that a Democrat in the White House is no
more than an unfortunate “aberration.” The “traditional” presidencies of McKinley,
Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford,
Reagan and the two Bushes represent the norm to them, and the interposition of
the terms of Democrats Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton
and Obama are no more than temporary and accidental interruptions in the
Republican continuum.
Some contend that the only reason Wilson was elected in 1912 (the only Democratic President between Grover Cleveland and FDR) was because there were two Republicans running, conservative William Howard Taft and progressive Teddy Roosevelt.
attacking Obama at every possible opportunity as someone who really shouldn’t
be in the White House seems to be a legitimate tactic to them. To them, a Democrat in the White House is an
“aberration” from the norm and should be dealt with vigorously. This is the spirit in which they approach the
Benghazi tragedy as well as the recent revelations concerning the Internal
Revenue Service and the Department of Justice.
They really don’t care about how the electoral votes added up in 2012,
2008, 1996, 1992, 1976, 1964, 1960 and 1948 … as well as during the Roosevelt
have already written enough about Benghazi, but suffice it to say at this point
that the Administration was acting on incomplete information and is being
wrongly accused of conspiring to hide the true facts and possibly being negligent as well
in permitting the tragedy to have occurred in the first place.
Bodies being brought back from Benghazi
But it is an excellent vehicle for
Republicans to use as a G.O.P. weapon against the President.
Bodies being brought back from Benghazi
for the Internal Revenue Service matter, in investigating the tax advantaged
status of supposed “social welfare” organizations, was the IRS being somewhat
politically selective in their administrative dealings with such groups? That question reminds me of a real incident I
recall from years ago.
during World War Two, I had a friend whose dad was in the wholesale meat business. Meat was hard to come by in those days, and I
suspect he was involved in selling his product on what we then called the
“black market.” Not being a dummy, of
course, he had accountants and lawyers who structured what he was doing through
a variety of corporate identities to keep it all legal. And his business prospered.
years thereafter, however, my friend told me, his father was subject to
intensive and extraordinary IRS scrutiny of his own and of his business’ tax
returns. He readily admitted that while
the government couldn’t get his dad for breaking a law, or cleverly avoiding
compliance with one, they still would use the IRS as a tool to come down hard
on him. They wanted to make sure that
whatever revenue he earned, including that from possibly “illegal” sources, was
appropriately taxed. And they were
relentless. Getting a conviction for tax
evasion was easier than for selling sides of beef illegally.

don’t think things have changed very much since then. When a group applies for a tax exemption
because of its function as a “social welfare” organization, the IRS is entitled
to use all of its considerable investigative and enforcement powers to
determine if indeed that group is entitled to such an exemption. Many of the organizations applying for such
exemptions happened to be right wing conservative groups, often referred to as
“tea party” groups, and were subjected to such investigations. What would one
have expected the IRS to do? They were
doing their job, what they get paid to do.
Since many of these “social welfare” organizations also had conservative
political agendas, it was unavoidable that the IRS has been accused of
conducting their investigation from a political standpoint. But still, as with my friend’s dad in the
meat business, all they were doing was their job. But don’t try to explain this to Republicans.
while we are back in the middle of the last century, here’s another relevant
tale. When I was in the military, my
duties involved my having a security clearance.
I was made aware, as all with such clearances are, of the severe
penalties for compromising that clearance.
I suspect things are similar today.
when a government employee with a security clearance reveals classified
information, the government must deal with that employee. Unless the employee is some sort of master
spy, the investigation will quickly reveal how and to whom the classified
information was given. And if that turns
out to be a foreign country, it is relatively easy to build up a case against
the employee.
If the leak, however, was
made to a journalist, it becomes much more difficult since journalists are
protected under the First Amendment, and are even able to keep their sources of
information confidential, based on Supreme Court decisions.

classified intelligence information was leaked recently to a reporter, and
ultimately was published widely. This
conceivably endangered the lives of Americans and our supporters in other
countries. In building up a case against
the government employee, the Justice Department found it necessary to consider
the journalist to be a “co-conspirator,” so they could properly look into his
role in the “leak.” The Justice
Department claims they do not have any intention of prosecuting the journalist
nor violating his constitutional rights, but claims investigating him was
essential in the interest of protecting national security in the course of
bringing an action against the government employee who violated his security
clearance. But don’t try to explain this
to the Republicans.
would be no problem at all, and the Attorney General would not be subject to
criticism, had the employee leaked the classified information directly to the
Taliban, Pakistan, Iran or some other country, instead of to a respected
American journalist.
so, the IRS incident as well as the Justice Department’s efforts to prosecute a
government employee who illegally “leaked” classified information to a reporter
join Benghazi in providing the Republicans with yet two more pieces of weaponry
with which to attack a President whom they feel is illegitimately occupying a
White House which they feel is historically their private domain.
Bear this in mind when you hear the Republicans screaming about Benghazi, the IRS and the Attorney General. They have nothing constructive to contribute, so that is all they have to do these days. Although the donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party, it is the Republican Party which brays like one.
Bear this in mind when you hear the Republicans screaming about Benghazi, the IRS and the Attorney General. They have nothing constructive to contribute, so that is all they have to do these days. Although the donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party, it is the Republican Party which brays like one.
Jack Lippman

Sid's Corner
Yesterday I spoke with my muse about being filled with
sadness at the latest plight of friends with whom my wife and I have been
friends since our teen-age years some sixty years ago.
This couple seems to be under a black cloud that has been
dogging them without letup for many, many years. Their latest disaster of the
wife falling and breaking her shoulder combined with her husband’s bleeding
episode landed them both in a shared bedroom at a nearby rehab center. I
commented to my muse that their plight reminds me of Joe Btfsplk, one of the
characters in Al Capp’s long ago
comic strip, L'il Abner.
Joe Btfsplk, as he occasionally appeared in L'il Abner.
comic strip, L'il Abner.
Muse and I then expanded our conversation to embrace the
broader based subject of the overall realty of human existence that results in
unwanted, unexpected events striking some of humankind whilst by-passing others
ala the angel-of-death “passing over” specially marked houses during the tenth
plague visited upon the biblical pharaoh in ancient Egypt.
Later that day our conversation manifested itself with the
massive tornado that rampaged through Moore,
Oklahoma. Atmospheric conditions
coalesced such that this monster was created and tore randomly across the state
to wreak havoc in its path. But the havoc itself was also random in that some
structures were leap-frogged leaving them intact while surrounding buildings
were razed to the ground leaving most of the area looking like Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. One such example is a woman’s flimsy house
trailer surviving with only minor roof damage in a vast desert of flattened
So, who, or what decides who gets the shaft and who does
not? Or maybe there is no decision being made…that all events are chaotic
happenings with no rhyme or reason.
Sid Bolotin
The "Democrat" Party
Frequently, Republicans
refer to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat” Party. This is incorrect; the words “Republican” and
“Democratic” are both adjectives, and they are the words which should be used
to modify the noun “Party.”
In the noun form, however,
they differ somewhat. While the noun
describing a member of the G.O.P is that same word, “Republican,” the noun
describing a member of the President’s party is a different word,
“Democrat.” When this noun, “Democrat,”
is improperly used by Republicans as an adjective modifying the word “Party,”
it takes on a mildly pejorative sense, and subtly denies the attribute of being
“democratic” to what they sarcastically call the “Democrat” Party.
The late Josepth McCarthy always referred to the "Democrat" Party.
Harold Stassen, to whom this strange usage is attributed.
This twisting of words was
initiated by the late Minnesota governor, Harold Stassen, back in the 1940s
when he was a perennial losing G.O.P. Presidential prospect, and conservative
Republicans have used it ever since. The
closest, although much stronger, parallel I can think of is when an anti-Semite
refers to a “Jew lawyer” rather than to a “Jewish lawyer.”
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Jack Lippman
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