At What Rate Are YOU Being Taxed?
Here is a little exercise for you.
1. Get out your copy of your 2011 tax return and have a calculator handy.
2. Enter into your calculator the total amount which Uncle Sam wanted you to pay in income taxes, based on your income after you took your deductions and credit for exemptions. This is the called “Total Tax” and it appears on line 61 of your form 1040.
3. Now push the division key on your calculator.
4. Now enter the total amount you paid taxes on, after all deductions and exemptions due you, which you will find on line 43 of form 1040 where it is called “Taxable Income.”
5. Now push the percentage sign key (or the equal sign key if you don't have a percentage sign key) on your calculator to see what percentage of your taxable income you paid in taxes. You might want to sit down before you do this.
Keep that percentage in mind the next time
Mitt Romney assures you that he always paid his taxes and that they were about 13.6% of his income. or whatever number he mentions that day.
Mitt Romney assures you that he always paid his taxes and that they were about 13.6% of his income. or whatever number he mentions that day.
Jack Lippman
Butterfly Corner Report
This year’s floral work in
the butterfly garden out in back included the planting of a new Passiflora
(Jeanette) to replace the Vida Pura which was pretty, but didn’t support butterfly
larva very well, and two Dutchman’s Pipe vines along with some replacement
Milkweed plants. Meanwhile the
Calliandra (pink powderpuffs) and Wild Lime have thrived along with the Pentas
and Porterweed. Also, two Plumbagos and a
Firebush are growing in a wild manner and are frequented by many butterflies of
all varieties.
Innumerable caterpillars
have hatched from eggs laid on the Passiflora and the Dutchman’s Pipe, as well
as on the Milkweed. Butterflies spotted
in the yard this summer include Gold Trimmed Black Swallowtails, Giant
Swallowtails, Zebra Longwings, Gulf Fritillaries, Monarchs, Queens and White
Peacocks. Almost all of them enjoy the
White Penta I planted last fall. There
is something doing almost all of the time in the butterfly garden. Come visit if you are in the neighborhood.
Caterpillar (either
Goldtrimmed Polydamus Swallowtail or Pipevine Swallowtail) on Dutchman’s Pipe
vine in my yard.
Obamacare and Lies - It's All About $716,000.000.000!
Over the next decade, the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) provides for a gradual decrease in the amount needed to fund Medicare, due to reductions in
amounts paid to hospitals, nursing homes, physicians and insurance companies.
purpose of this is to have these recipients of government Medicare money operate more efficiently,
getting rid of waste, fraud, inefficiency and duplication without any reduction in
the benefits available to those on Medicare. The amount the government will not have to pay
out over the next decade due to this decrease in spending is 716 billion dollars! This is the law of the land at present.
Let's look at what can be done with this "freed-up" resource. Of course, if “Obamacare” is repealed, these built-in spending cuts will not be the law of the land any longer and the government will have to figure on spending, rather than saving, that 716 billion dollars over the next decade because the efficiencies which were to produce them would no longer be the law! But more about that later.
Let's look at what can be done with this "freed-up" resource. Of course, if “Obamacare” is repealed, these built-in spending cuts will not be the law of the land any longer and the government will have to figure on spending, rather than saving, that 716 billion dollars over the next decade because the efficiencies which were to produce them would no longer be the law! But more about that later.
Basically, the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act is designed for people who are not on
Medicare. As deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court, the law mandates them all to
purchase at least minimal health insurance privately so that insurance
companies will be able to spread the risk among a large number of healthy and
unhealthy insureds, all of whom will then be able to get health insurance
regardless of their health at a fair price.
For those who cannot afford health insurance, and those on Medicaid due to their low income, the government will provide financial support. The Act provides that the freed-up 716 billion dollars of Medicare savings mentioned above can be used over the next ten years for this purpose. If that were not the case, such government financial support for purchasing health insurance for those who cannot afford it would require additional revenues in the form of increased taxes of some kind.
The Republicans refer to this as stealing from Medicare to pay for Obamacare. IF THE SAVINGS WERE BASED ON A REDUCTION IN BENEFITS TO THOSE ON MEDICARE, WHICH THEY ARE NOT, I WOULD AGREE WITH THAT. BUT AGAIN, LET ME REITERATE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE! The 716 billion dollars will come from reduced payments to Medicare providers who will be compelled to operate more efficiently.
Using these Medicare savings over the next ten years to subsidize those who cannot afford to purchase the required health insurance on their own will put all Americans in the same boat, and neutralizes a contrast between those already on Medicare and those who are not. We are all in this together, and that includes the providers.
For those who cannot afford health insurance, and those on Medicaid due to their low income, the government will provide financial support. The Act provides that the freed-up 716 billion dollars of Medicare savings mentioned above can be used over the next ten years for this purpose. If that were not the case, such government financial support for purchasing health insurance for those who cannot afford it would require additional revenues in the form of increased taxes of some kind.
The Republicans refer to this as stealing from Medicare to pay for Obamacare. IF THE SAVINGS WERE BASED ON A REDUCTION IN BENEFITS TO THOSE ON MEDICARE, WHICH THEY ARE NOT, I WOULD AGREE WITH THAT. BUT AGAIN, LET ME REITERATE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE! The 716 billion dollars will come from reduced payments to Medicare providers who will be compelled to operate more efficiently.
Using these Medicare savings over the next ten years to subsidize those who cannot afford to purchase the required health insurance on their own will put all Americans in the same boat, and neutralizes a contrast between those already on Medicare and those who are not. We are all in this together, and that includes the providers.
Certainly, we must make
provision for the future funding of Medicare but that has nothing to do with
the 716 billion dollar reduction in
Medicare spending over the next decade.
Perhaps the entry age will have to be changed and income-based
deductibles and co-payments instituted, but that is another question entirely;
both parties agree that something has to be done. Of course, spending cuts due to the greater
efficiencies which Obamacare will require of the participating insurers who will be providing coverage, as well of all Medicare providers, will have to be a permanent part of whatever is done.
Republicans are always
thrilled when there is a decrease in government spending. They are elated over that 716 billion dollar savings over the
next decade, but reluctant to give President Obama and the Democrats credit for
it, so they instead refer these spending cuts as “stealing from Medicare to fund
Obamacare.” The G.O.P. says this in order to
appear favorable in the eyes of those gullible seniors whom they can frighten into
believing the falsehood that their Medicare benefits will be reduced. But that is not the case. For the umpteenth time, let me repeat that Medicare benefits will not be reduced. The 716 billion dollars will come from efficiencies instituted on the part of insurers and providers. When Republicans tell you otherwise, remember that what they are saying IS A BIG, BIG LIE ! Medicare benefits will not, I repeat, NOT, be reduced to effect this savings.
Of course, you won’t catch
candidates or the party doing the heavy lifting in perpetrating such falsehoods.
They leave it to the unaccountable SuperPacs brought into prominence by the Citizens United decision. When you see their ads on television, note the names of the groups sponsoring them.

They leave it to the unaccountable SuperPacs brought into prominence by the Citizens United decision. When you see their ads on television, note the names of the groups sponsoring them.
If the Republicans, after
the November elections, are in a position to repeal Obamacare, the 716 billion dollars in Medicare savings
will no longer be the law of the land. They will not happen. In all probability, however, the G.O.P. will then enact
legislation instituting these very same spending cuts so that, under their own label, the same 716 billion
dollars in Medicare savings cuts over the next decade will still be there, based on the same more efficient delivery of benefits by providers as is the goal of the current law.
But with Obamacare repealed, there would be
no longer any need for this freed-up money to help provide health insurance coverage to the
uninsured. What other use might be made of it? Hmmm?
I suspect that the 716 billion dollars would suddenly be available to justify a continuation of the Bush tax cuts and to eliminate any need to provide additional revenue by raising taxes. Thus the wealthy would
have more untaxed resources available for supposed job creation.

That, at least to my way of thinking, is the way Republicans look at it. I would hope you can see through their curtain of falsehoods.
Jack Lippman
Sid's Corner
“What time is your flight tomorrow morning, dad?”
“9:30”, I answered,
even though I knew it was actually ten minutes later at 9:40.
And so began our inevitable ritual that always reminds me of
the Passover ceremony wherein the youngest child asks the four questions of
“What time do you and mom want do get to the airport?”
“Well, you know that I like to get there two hours before
takeoff; so get us there at 7:30.”
“Dad, why do you get there so early? Just to sit at the gate
for an hour? Remember that you printed your boarding passes on line and just
have to drop off your two checked bags. You can get there at 8:00, zip through
security in fifteen minutes with no problem, and be at the gate well before the
9:10 boarding time.”
“Al”, I responded with a sigh, “we go through this every
time mom and I visit. Rationally you’re right; but it’s a matter of my comfort
zone. I’d rather sit longer at the gate than risk a “what if” delay…traffic,
security, call of nature, whatever…that could exacerbate my travel angst. You
know I hate to travel. Just give me my thirty minutes more of comfort.”
“Okay, okay, dad; but we’ll have to leave before 7:00 to
beat the Monday morning traffic out of town rushing to get to work in Boston.”
So, the next morning after I arose at 5:30 to allow time for
my yoga stretches, toilette, and breakfast cereal, I was pacing the kitchen at
6:45 eager for my son to load our bags into his wife’s car for Phyllis to zip
us to Boston’s Logan Airport…normally a twenty minute jaunt from their home in
Swampscott, just north of Boston.
Because Phyllis and my wife, Barbara, were less brisk than I
in their timeliness, we didn’t get on the road until 7:10, got snagged in heavy
traffic, and didn’t get to Logan
until 7:45.
Oh well, I
thought, my thirty minute margin was to
allow for just this. We’re still okay.
But then our nightmare began as we entered the airport, approached
the bag drop off counter, and saw a sea of like-minded travelers in a serpentine
queue seven rows wide. With my heart pounding we inched along as I kept watch
on the time and wiped my sweating face with paper towels. As we looped round
and round, I caught sight of the line forming up to go through security just
beyond the check-in counter, and my gut wrenched at its length leading to the
actual security area.
After clearing check-in Barb and I schlepped our two
carry-on bags over to the security line as fast as my arthritic knees and
pounding heart would allow, only to discover that while we were at drop-off,
the line had swelled to the length of a basketball court. Exhausted and hurting
we positioned ourselves at the end and proceeded to crawl toward the entrance
to security. The only encouraging thing was the airport personnel coming along
to gather travelers who were in danger of missing their flights.
At about 8:30 we entered the security area to discover
another five-row serpentine queue snaking its way slowly toward the
scanners…clearly lacking in the number of TSA examiners.
TSA personnel marched along the lines admonishing everyone
that the slowness was being caused by us because we were not adhering to the
3-1-1 rule, especially that we were not keeping the plastic bag separate from
our carry-on bags. They were enforcing the rule to the letter of the law.
Having travelled many times from Florida
to New England to visit our children I had
never been reproached for having left my plastic bag with gel, toothpaste, and
such in my carry-on. “Why now? Why today?” I wondered aloud to Barb. Then it
dawned on me that this could be a deliberate slow-down in response to the just-published
newspaper account of possible racial profiling at Logan.
Because I gambled and did not present my plastic bag
separately, my carry-on was pulled, and I had to explain each liquid…including
medications…to the nice TSA lady. After a second run through the scanner we were
cleared to go to the gate. It was 9:15…five minutes after scheduled boarding
had begun…and ninety minutes after our daughter-in-law dropped us off.
So much for my son’s zip-through analysis!
Luckily we were leaving from Gate 11…fairly close to
security…and we huffed and puffed as quickly as we could, secure in the
knowledge that we were checked in, and that take-off was at 9:40.
When we staggered into the gate area, we discovered that
boarding had been delayed due to a computer glitch on the plane. Thankful for a
chance to recoup my emotional and physical wellness, I sank into a chair with
My respite was short-lived when after thirty minutes; they
announced that the glitch was not fixable, and that we had to change to another
plane at Gate 26. Everyone began to rush to the new gate which was at the other
side of the terminal. Barb and I chugged along behind the parade with my knees
screaming in vain protest: “Get a wheelchair, macho man!”
Murphy’s Law was in full enactment when we gathered at the
new gate because nobody had informed the flight crew to join us at Gate 26;
they were still at Gate 11. I had lost track of time and was exhaustedly
grateful when the crew, paperwork, and inspection were complete. Pleading
medical necessity, I stumbled on with the pre-boarding elite passengers,
nestled into my seat, and obtained water from the flight attendant for my meds.
Safe at last!
“Oh, oh! Why have they stopped boarding?” I wondered aloud
to my wife. The announcement came quickly that the engine cowl had a small
crack in it and was being evaluated. An answer would be forthcoming within two
hours. Meanwhile we had the option to exit the plane to wait at the gate or stay
on the plane and enjoy the refreshments. I chose the latter because I was
physically and emotionally drained…orders of magnitude more than my usual
angst-filled travel obligations.
Sometime later we were again directed to shift to a third
plane that had just landed from Chicago
at Gate 32. Off we went again!
As they say, “Third time’s the charm!”
We finally landed at West Palm at 5:30 P.M., about five
hours later than our originally scheduled arrival, were picked up by patient
friends who had shared our day-long odyssey via cell phone, and then enjoyed
our usual on-the-way-home repast at our favorite Greek restaurant. And Jet Blue gave each of us a $100 travel credit.

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