Europe at a
Right now, it looks like Europeans
are saying “no” to austerity, and hopefully looking toward increased government
pump-priming it improve their economies.
Their doing so seems to indicate that they are unwilling to make the
sacrifices necessary for their countries’ economies to survive. They seem to be ready to permit their
governments to default on their countries’ debts. This is the case in Greece where a left wing
government is likely to take power at the next election. If Greece defaults on its debt, which is in euros,
it will end up withdrawing from, or being thrown out of, the bloc of nations
using the euro as their currency because of its refusal to follow their rules. It will replace the euro with the
drachma. The drachma will not have a
strong economic base and its introduction will probably result in inflation, as
paper is printed with which to pay the nation’s obligations and to “prime” the
economic pump. Other European countries
may follow this scenario. Some of these countries do not have enough tax revenues to support the expense of running their governments whose costs include generous social benefits.

“optional” austerity, borrowing to do this will no longer be an alternative. No one will lend them money without their
first tightening their belts, which they do not want to do. As a result, a
scarcity of “real” money and printing of “faux” money will cause inflation to
occur. As everything becomes more expensive, spending will be reduced, and
like it or not, austerity will then become automatic and not just a choice, as
it is today.
Digging out of such an
economic morass will be more much difficult using a nation’s own weak currency
than with the Euro, which at least is anchored in Germany’s solid economy. For that reason, I believe Greece (and Italy,
Spain, Portugal and possibly even France) will eventually bite the bullet,
tighten their belts and work to strengthen their economies within the framework
of the euro rather than with independent weak currencies.
The alternative to this is
the politically dangerous move to some form of redistribution of wealth through
the mechanism of higher taxes. European
history is filled with lessons learned from attempts to satisfy the populace
with some such form of wealth redistribution.
The results have been grim.
Lenin Hitler French Revolution
It should not be ignored
that in Greece, there exists a shadow economy, where tax evasion is a way of
life, where business transactions are hidden and reportable banking and credit
connections avoided. It is estimated
that these practices are the rule, rather than the exception, in a quarter of
the Greek economy! If this is stopped in
Greece and elsewhere on the continent where it exists, it will be a large step
forward toward economic recovery.
Jack Lippman

The Yellow Tee Shirt (from my short story archives)
He unlocked the door and let himself
in and tiptoed through the house. It
really wasn’t necessary since Sadie was not yet asleep.
“Ben,” she called out. “You’re home early tonight. It’s only eleven. Thank God, too. I got something I wanna talk
to you about.”
“What is it, Hon,” he asked as she
came down the hall from their bedroom where she had been reading. “And why the hell are you wearing that bright
yellow tee shirt at this hour of the night.
Never saw you in it before.”
“I’ll tell you about it in a minute,
but meanwhile, how was it tonight at the fruit packing plant?”
Bored sick with life at Coconut
Commons, South Florida’s self-proclaimed
foremost retirement community, Ben had gotten a job two weeks earlier. Unable to find anything for which his
background as a nuclear molecular biochemist had prepared him, he had settled
for an evening job at the Palm Beach Fresh Fruit Company’s Lake Worth
warehouse. That firm distributed apples,
pears, peaches, nectarines, oranges, plums and almost anything else that grows
on trees to vegetable stores and supermarkets throughout Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin Counties. His job was to put the little sticker on each
piece of fruit leaving the warehouse the next day so that the scanner at the
cash register in the supermarket where it would eventually be sold could
identify whether it was a $1.89 a pound Fuji apple or a $1.59 a pound Delicious
from Washington State.
“Oh, tonight was real fun. I labeled about 2,000 Granny Smiths and then
they put me on Santa Rosa
plums, for the rest of the night.”
“I figured they did something like
that, Ben. I can see your shirt is all
purplely from the juice.”
“Yeah, those plums squash easily if
press too hard when you put the sticker on.
That’s why they put me on plums, tonight. They know I’m good. Some of those kids from Haiti squash
every other plum they touch.”
Sadie smiled, taking his hand. “They sure recognized talent when they hired
you, dear. But let me tell you what
happened here tonight, and let you know about this damn yellow shirt.”
They sat down at the kitchen table
and Sadie took out some of the cake leftover from Saturday night and poured
them each a caffeine-free diet Coke over crushed ice.
“Ben, remember when we were on that
two month cruise around the world last summer, and the Board passed a lot of
stuff we didn’t even look at.”
“Yeah, Sadie. I remember,” Ben
replied. You know I gave up on the Board
after that crew of jerks was elected last year.
Not one of them could put a label, even on a grapefruit, where I work. A real bunch of dummies. Anyhow, what did they do now?”
Sadie’s smile had disappeared. “Ben,” she said. “They passed a lot of crazy stuff. You know, all the ones who were elected were
Snowbirds, not like us who live here year round. And I guess they want to look after their own
kind first.”
“What d’ya mean, Sadie,” asked Ben,
becoming more interested.
“Well, the block captain dropped by
at about six, right after you went to work.
He left a couple of yellow tee shirts, one for you and one for me. Like the one I am wearing. He said we gotta wear them whenever we go
outside. All the people who live here
year round got them.”
“And what about the snowbirds?”
“I guess they don’t have to wear
anything special.”
“And what if I don’t want to wear a
tee shirt, what then?” Ben, getting a little more agitated, asked.
“They gave us these buttons to pin on
whatever we were wearing instead of the tee-shirt,” she explained, showing her
husband two bright yellow plastic buttons, each about five inches in diameter
with the word “Year-Rounder” printed on them. If we get caught within the
community without wearing our tee shirts or buttons, they can fine us $50 for
each occurrence and put a lien on our house if we don’t pay. The shirts and buttons, the block captain
told me, were to make sure the Snowbirds get preferred treatment. He said they pay club dues and maintenance for
twelve months a year but are only here for five or six months at most. So they feel there ought to be some way for
them to get their money’s worth during the time they are here.”
“And what does that mean, Sadie?”
“He said they this will make it possible
for Snowbirds always to get seats in front for all of the shows, always go to
the front of the line in the Coconut Commons Coffee Shoppe, get right on the
exercise equipment in the gym no matter how many year round residents were
waiting to use it, and always have chaises and umbrellas at poolside, even if
it means asking a year round resident to get up. Same kind of thing goes for the tennis courts
and the golf course too. And oh, yes,
the best places in the parking lots will be reserved for their cars, too. We have to put these yellow stickers on our
cars, and if we park them in a ‘Snowbird Only’ spot, we get towed and fined.”
By this time, Ben was visibly
angry. “They can’t get away with this
shit. It sounds like Nazi Germany,” he
“Don’t get your blood pressure
up. Let’s go to bed and maybe in the
morning we’ll think of something,” Sadie said as she wiped the crumbs from the
But the next morning, Ben got up very
early and left the house before Sadie was awake. He knew what he had to do. It wasn’t Ben of the crisp khaki shorts and
golf shirt, his usual daytime attire, nor Ben, the fruit labeler wearing his
faded blue jeans and old shirt stained with plum juice or some other residue of
the fruit warehouse. This was Ben of the
grey slacks, blue button down collar shirt, regimental rep tie, lightweight
blue blazer and polished cordovan loafers who strode into the Boca Raton regional
headquarters of Monarch Industries, parent of the Palm Beach Fresh Fruit
Company, carrying nothing other than the battered briefcase which, thankfully,
he had brought with him to Florida..
“I have an appointment with Mr.
Campanellis,” he said, addressing the receptionist. “I am Dr. Benjamin Obolensky, and I represent
the Sunbelt Foundation.”
“I have no record of that
appointment,” the young woman replied, but impressed by the name of the
nation’s leading think tank devoted to agri-business, she picked up the
phone. Within a few minutes, Ben was
seated across the desk from the man who controlled the fresh fruit business in
an area roughly equivalent to the old Confederacy, and whose corporate
tentacles reached out to practically every fruit distributor in the country.
Ben explained how the entire fruit
labeling process, which had been an expensive pain in the ass for the entire
fruit industry ever since the supermarkets had insisted upon it, could be
eliminated at Palm Beach Fresh Fruit and the 132 other similar warehouses which
Monarch controlled, nationwide. The
answer was in the development of slight mutations in the fruit they were
presently handling, through a relatively simple DNA altering procedure. This
was closely related to the field in which Ben had received his Ph.D years
earlier. In fact, back in his days at
the University, and later at the Sunbelt Foundation where he had been senior
research director, he had all but finalized a similar procedure which, if
adapted to the fresh fruit business, would enable the laser beam scanner at the
checkout counter to look at a piece of fruit, and the proper price would be
registered, without a label of any kind having been affixed to the fruit. The Granny Smith apple would tell the
scanner, “I am a Granny Smith apple and my code number is 2089.” Of course, only an apple from a tree exposed
to Dr. Obolensky’s DNA altering procedure would produce such an apple.
Ben knew that Palm Beach Fresh Fruit
and Monarch Industries were spending a lot of money developing a machine to
affix the labels to the fruit, without having to be touched by human hands. This would enable the company to eliminate
jobs like the one Ben had been working at in the evening. Capable of putting a sticker on everything
from a cherry to a watermelon in a microsecond, each installation would cost
the firm about a million dollars. And
with over a hundred warehouses where the machines, if they could be perfected,
would be needed, this meant big bucks. Ben
also knew his DNA altering process, including all research and development, government
approval, as well as the cost of getting growers throughout the world to use
his procedures, would cost far, far, less.
Well, to make a long story short,
within a week, Monarch signed a contract with the Sunbelt Foundation, at which Ben
was given the title of senior consultant-emeritus, and he ended up with a
$5,000,000 fee for giving up his rights to his DNA altering process in addition
to a guaranteed income of $1,000,000 a year, for overseeing the project. The hitch was that he would be required to be
in their San Francisco
corporate headquarters about eighteen hours a week, but only during the height
of the growing season, from May until October.
This made him very happy.

Ben and Sadie bought a condominium on
Knob Hill, from which they could see the Golden Gate Bridge,
and enjoy San Francisco’s
cultural attractions enormously. When it
gets a little chilly in the “City by the Bay,” however, they fly down to
Coconut Commons to take advantage of Florida’s
milder climate. Ben, however, feels a
pang of guilt every time he sees a resident wearing a yellow tee shirt or a
yellow button. But, the pain doesn’t
last very long, as he and Sadie are pushed past half a dozen yellow-shirted year
round residents, to the front of the line at the Coconut Commons Coffee Shoppe.
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