Thoughts on the Road to Impeachment
Well, it’s four days since my
last posting and finally, enough Democrats have backed impeachment to allay
Speaker Pelosi’s fear of it not passing in the House. She is now on track heading for a Bill of
Bumbling Republicans, trying
to find a way out of the morass their soon-to-be-impeached President has gotten
them into, have increasingly turned to preposterous arguments and grasping at
straws. They don’t know how to run a government, but they certainly know how to
lie and make up stories, and find dishonest lawyers (like our Attorney General
who deodorized the Mueller Report) and a corrupt former Ukrainian Prosecutor
General who runs around peddling unproven and discredited stories to gullible
Trumpies about the Bidens and how the Democrats colluded with Ukrainians in
our 2016 election, rather than the Republicans’ “passive” colluding with the
Russians so clearly documented in the Mueller Report.
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Rudy sez he's the real 'whistleblower' |
And please, watch Fox News as they promote the Ukrainian/Biden story. They would make Josef Goebbles green with envy. Watch for resignations (or firings) at Fox News. All of their employees are not quite as gullible nor stupid as is their massive audience. And the presence of such a dishonest news source, made possible by the First Amendment, is what is going to make the 2020 elections close!
And more and more, as their
man goes down, I hear them blaming the attacks on the President on some “deep
state,” a hidden, entrenched apparatus which really runs the country, and which
is causing the President’s problems. Here’s
news! They are correct. Their lies have stumbled onto the truth. There is indeed a “deep state,” but it is not
hidden. It is there for all to see.
It is “the United States of
America and the Constitution upon which it is based and those who operate under
its laws.” That “deep state” is proving itself
strong enough to finally be taking steps to get rid of the underhanded interlopers
and scoundrels who, following the lead of their “liar-in-chief” and his
indefensible ethics, have turned America into something it never before was, an
autocracy posing as a democracy. Here
are the names of some of the creators of that “deep state:” George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton …
and later on, even Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. Get it?
I predict that the President
will not leave as the result of impeachment.
Somewhere during that process, he will leave as Richard Nixon did, via
resignation. A delegation of
Republicans, probably led by Mitch McConnell, fearing his continued presence
result in their losing elections at all levels, even for dogcatcher in
Dubuque, will force him to resign, saving the Republican Senators from an embarassing moment. He will do so, and the Republicans will have
an open Convention in 2020 and try to come up with another candidate, one who
is not besmirched by too close a relationship to Donald Trump.
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Mitch ... Fighting for his Senate seat in Kentucky |
Jack Lippman
The Real Problem Trump Represents
Working last week as part of a
voter registration drive, we were located outside of a supermarket in a Latino (or
perhaps some would say Latinx) neighborhood, armed with our clipboards and a
sign inviting people to register to vote.
As is the case with all such voter registration activities, there is no
indication of the group sponsoring them.
Such registration drives are sponsored by Democratic, Republican and
non-partisan (such as the League of Women Voters) groups, registered with the
State. They all operate in a
non-partisan manner when registering voters.
So when a gentleman walking
out of the supermarket, before even being asked if he were registered to vote,
as we tried to ask all passers-by, shouted out at us “Trump, Trump, Trump,” without
knowing what group we represented, he was making it clear that such Trump
supporters consider anyone asking people to register to vote to be involved in
an anti-Trump activity. Even though it
was the democratic process which brought Trump to the presidency, his
supporters do not believe in democracy. Instead, they believe in voter
repression and gerrymandering, which have no place in a democracy.
Donald J. Trump is less of a
problem than those who support him, many of whom are sorely lacking in
understanding what America is about.
After Trump is history, these people will find someone else to
support. They always do. That they comprise about 40% of the American
population is tragic. The saving grace
is that this percentage gets lower each year as younger people become old
enough to vote, so the future is brighter.
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Congressman Jim Jordan |
And while on the subject of
Trump supporters, I am asking all who are reading this to scrounge around in
their closets for an old man’s sport jacket that they can spare. Republican Congressman Jim Jordan is sorely in
need of one. He looks to be about a size
42. Send them directly to him. I am sure
he will donate any “extras’ he receives to a legitimate charity.