About Me

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Jack is a graduate of Rutgers University where he majored in history. His career in the life and health insurance industry involved medical risk selection and brokerage management. Retired in Florida for over two decades after many years in NJ and NY, he occasionally writes, paints, plays poker, participates in play readings and is catching up on Shakespeare, Melville and Joyce, etc.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Words Matter and TV Ads

Continued at conclusion of posting

Words Matter!

Here, just a few days after the second anniversary of the white nationalist racist demonstration in Charlottesville, is the video of the President of the United States, a few days afterwards, apologizing for the white nationalists, saying 'there were fine people on both sides' and pointing out that since Washington and Jefferson were slaveholders, it wasn’t such a bad thing to demonstrate against removing a statue of Robert E. Lee, (a traitor who violated his oath and rebelled against the United States  government) and that’s all that these 'fine people' were doing.   

Charlottesville "Unite the Right" demonstrators - 2017
He gave a pass to the highly organized anti-Semites and the violent racists (there was one death) who came to Charlottesville from all over the country to demonstrate.  They went on, given legitimacy and inspired by Trump’s words. to murder people in Charleston, Pittsburgh, El Paso and elsewhere.   Words matter! 

Yes, words matter.   The video will take about four minutes to watch and you must watch it.  CLICK HERE TO SEE IT .  

 Yes, Words Continue to Matter!  

Fox's Tucker Carlson 

The New York Times recently ran an article about how both (1) specific words used by Fox News telecasters were repeated by the President, and (2) specific words used by the President which were then reported on and repeated on Fox, appeared in the alleged social media posting of the El Paso racial murderer.  This stuff seems to feed upon itself, circulating around and around and ending up on many right wing, and racial white nationalist, social media outlets. 

The same thing, the Times article pointed out, was true of other conservative “news’ outlets on TV and radio, such as those of Rush Limbaugh, Sinclair Radio and others.  This is how they turn lies (like calling refugees seeking asylum under our laws “invaders” and stoking fears that immigration will bring about the "replacement" of the traditional Caucasian image of what Americans are supposed to be) into nourishment for bigots and racists, who believe them and lead some to commit murderous deeds as occurred in El Paso, Pittsburgh, Charleston and elsewhere.

The article also correlated the timing of the dissemination of these lies with the occurrence of incidents of racial violence, establishing a connection.  Were it not for the First Amendment, such liars would not have access to the press, TV and the internet … but that is the price of living in a democracy.  But words matter.

Read the Times article by CLICKING RIGHT HERE.

Words Matter All Over the Country!

When a Montana resident was recently arrested for attacking and injuring a thirteen-year old for not removing his hat during the playing of the National Anthem, his lawyer’s defense was that the President’s rhetoric led him to do it.  For those with a racist mentality, that made it okay.  Sick!  Check it out by CLICKING HERE.

The Democratic Party should use that Charlottesville video on TV during the election campaign.  It shows the President giving comfort to white nationalist racists in this country.  He continues to do it and the most recent murders in El Paso are the result of this.  (The President’s words directly inspired the killer whom I suspect is right now using that as his "excuse" when he talks to the police.) There is blood on the President’s hands.  Words matter.  Trump MUST go, either by impeachment, resignation or defeat at the polls.

And You Matter!  

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Jack Lippman
                                                           *   *   *

Please Click on the Ads

There has been a significant decline in the number of “clicks” on the advertisements which most of you see accompanying the blog.  In the past, it took about eighteen months to accumulate $100 (the minimum amount for which Google AdSense will make a deposit in my account.  That’s a lot of “penny” clicks).  Remember, all that money goes for cancer research.

The way things are going now, it looks like it will take at least twice that time to accumulate that modest minimum amount.  So please, keep clicking those ads that interest you, and maybe some that don’t as well.    (I know the ads don’t show up on Iphones and similar devices, but they do appear on desktop monitors.)  Please click on the ads. Every penny that the blog gets from them goes for cancer research.

                                          *   *   *

TV Ad Critiques

Intended for Speed Readers
Many TV advertisements for (1) pharmaceuticals and (2) from law firms that are looking for people to include in class action lawsuits (today’s ‘ambulance chasers’) include explanatory caveats.  Some, particularly the in the “lawsuit” ads, are in miniscule type and on the screen for no more than three seconds.  It is impossible for any viewer to read them, but apparently, they are a legal requirement so they are included.

Here is one that I copied.  It deals with a firm looking for people who may have been injured by a specific medical procedure, for the purpose of referring them to lawyers.  Could you read it within three seconds?

I couldn’t.  If this message is important, it should be in larger type and remain on the screen for about a minute. 

The pharmaceutical caveats (which sometimes mention possible ‘fatal’ side effects) are almost as bad, although they usually are “on screen” for a longer period superimposed at the bottom of the picture as the commercial rolls along, sometimes accompanied by the voice of an announcer.  This is an issue because no one really has time to read it while watching the commercial at the bottom of which the words appear. This supposedly serves to get the advertiser off the hook if something “bad” happens.   It’s sort of like the stuff on the back of the ticket a valet parking attendant gives you which says they’re not responsible for anything that happens to your car.  Sure.

Generally, the pharmaceutical ads are highly professional while the law firm ads are primitive, probably done as cheaply as possible by a moonlighting programmer.

More About Ads
I didn't forget that I had promised a few postings ago that I would get back to the nice lady on TV who says that “That’s the best $150 I ever spent.” (The ad was selling a battery of non-invasive medical tests.)  Maybe it was the best $150 she ever spent.  It depends.   But rather than proceed that way, would it not have been better for her to first ask her doctor if she should take the medical tests being offered, not covered by most insurance?

If she had a competent personal physician, his or her periodic examinations and other factors (age, blood studies, family history, etc.) would have indicated whether such tests were necessary and he or she would have ordered them, and they would have been covered by her insurance, and she would not have had to look elsewhere for medical testing.

But if some of the test results were positive, this might indeed be the best $150 she ever spent, prompting her to change doctors to one who would be more adept at and alert to recognizing symptoms which warrant testing for cardiovascular disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, osteoporosis, and other serious illnesses.  It would have been the best $150 she ever spent if it prompted her to switch to a more competent physician from one who did not recognize the need for testing.

I wonder how her tests came out … and what she did with the results.


                                                                                   *   *   *

Note:  The letter that I sent to the Palm Beach Post, and which appeared on this blog's August 12 posting, was published by them this morning.   It you have an opinion, don't keep it to yourself.

                                                                           *   *   *

I Lift My Lamp Beside the Golden Door

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  *   *   *

And You Matter!  
Pass this blog on to your friends and relatives!

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